Rated: NC-17 E-mail: uberaeryn@gmail.com Pairing: Spike/Giles Summary: Giles discovers things about Spike and himself that lead them down a broken road. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and Mutant Enemy. No copyright infringement is intended, and no financial profit is anticipated. Notes: Buffy Season 4 through Post-Not Fade Away. M/M, angst, humor, more angst, more humor. AU, timeline is different, some things that did happen haven't in this version, and some things that didn't happen have, so basically it's all wonky but still following the storylines, very loosely. This One Does By uberaeryn Copyright © 2005 Part One *** "You don't . . . dammit, I keep tellin' you, you don't have to do this! I got this soddin' thing in my head, right?" Spike writhed again as Giles tightened the bonds around his hands and ankles. "I don't know that, Spike. I don't know that anything that you've told us is true," Giles said. He sighed and stood, walking over to the counter dividing the kitchen and the living area and pouring himself a drink. "The redhead told you!" "Oh, that's right, she did, didn't she? Said you couldn't 'perform,' correct? A shame, that. Happens to a lot of men, or so I've heard." Giles bit back a smile as he took a sip of his whiskey and sat on the couch with a grateful sigh. "YOU KNOW BLOODY WELL THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE MEANT!" Spike bellowed, and Giles turned his face away and put a hand over his mouth to cover a grin. "Listen here, *Rupert!* I can't bite anyone, can't hurt anyone! Bloody soldier boys took right care of that, didn't they? So just untie me and give me a fuckin' drink!" Giles leaned back into the sofa and rubbed at his forehead wearily. "I'm not wasting good whiskey on the likes of you, Spike." "Likes of me, yeah, right. I am what I am, Rupert. Or was," Spike muttered bitterly. He clenched his teeth and the muscles in his jaw bunched and then he lurched back violently, causing the chair to slam against the wall. "Oh, fuck all! Can't eat, can't fight, tied to a fuckin' chair or in your fuckin' bath, constantly surrounded by the Slayer and her little friends, all of you pokin' at the caged lion and laughin', and I can't even get a bleedin' *drink?*" He slumped in his chair suddenly, his fury evaporating. "Just do it, Watcher," he said wearily, his eyes closing and his head falling forward. "Please." Giles studied him carefully, wondering if the despair he heard in Spike's voice was real or simply more posturing. "Do what?" "You *know* what," Spike mumbled, jerking his head in the direction of the trunk where Giles stored his weapons. Giles leaned forward, frowning. "You're serious." Spike met his eyes. "Well, yeah. What's the fuckin' point? I've no intention of spendin' eternity tied to a chair, drinkin' pig's blood from a coffee mug. You know, Watcher, I'd thought I'd lost everything when I lost Dru, but no, there was more to lose. It's gone, all of it, everything that made me who I was, and all that's left is this shell." He looked down at himself. "A rather good-lookin' shell, I must admit, but . . ." "Oh, for Christ's sake," Giles sighed in disgust. "Stop it, Spike. Trying to get me to feel sorry for you isn't going to work," he said, hurriedly tossing back what was left of his whiskey. "I'm off to bed." *** "Eric Clapton is not better than Jimmy Page, you stupid git!" "Bloody *hell*, Spike, do shut up!" Giles bellowed and turned up _Disraeli Gears_ as loud as it would go. *** "Watcher. Watcher. Watcher. WATCHER!" Giles finally popped his head around the door and glared at Spike in silence. "Feelin' a bit peckish, help us out, would you, love?" Giles rolled his eyes and sighed a long-suffering sigh and disappeared, returning a few minutes later with blood in mug and a straw, sitting on the floor by the tub and holding it up just out of Spike's reach. "Funny," Spike said. "Slayer learned that trick from you, eh? You gonna make me beg?" "The thought had occurred to me, yes," Giles said, moving the mug back and forth under Spike's nose. "Bastard. Please?" Spike said, rolling his eyes. Deciding that was all he was going to get, Giles acquiesced and held the mug closer to Spike's mouth, his fingers brushing against Spike's chin as he placed the straw between his lips. Giles' eyes narrowed as he felt Spike jump at this accidental touch, and they locked eyes as Spike began to drink, sucking on the straw with long, frantic pulls. Giles wondered what Spike was thinking, his eyes dark and unreadable while he stared at Giles as he fed, and then the mug was empty and Spike yanked away, sighing, a bit of blood trickling slowly down the side of his mouth. His head fell back. "Thank you," he sighed, and Giles reached out to wipe the blood away just as Spike swiped out his tongue to do the same thing, and his tongue slid over Giles' fingers. Now Giles jumped and yanked his hand away and again they locked eyes. "Nice," Spike finally murmured. "Quite," Giles said, and slowly got to his feet and left the bathroom. *** "Tea?" "Tea? Right and proper? Thank the bloody gods!" "Of course it's properly made, *I'm* the one making it." "And you're a right and proper twit what knows how to make a good cuppa. Oh, and channel 7, Watcher, time for 'Passions.'" Giles sighed. *** He tried to wait it out, but after suffering through five very loud and deliberately off-key renditions of _London Calling_, Giles threw back the bedclothes, grabbed a handkerchief out of his dresser and stomped down the stairs to the bathroom. "Well, well, what've we got here? Rupert sleeps in the nude?" Spike said, smirking. "No, Spike, I stripped off my nightclothes before coming down here just to give you a bit of a thrill," Giles muttered, twisting the handkerchief into a serviceable gag. "Well, if that was your plan, it ain't workin'," Spike said, snorting. Then he regarded Giles for a moment. "Well, maybe a little. Anyway, just gimme a drink, all right? Set it here on the side of the tub, long bendy straw thingy and I'll shut it." "You'll most certainly shut it," Giles muttered, still fumbling with the handkerchief. "You know," Spike said, suddenly coy, his eyes traveling up and down the length of Giles' body. "There are other things you could stick in my mouth. Ever been sucked off by a vampire?" Giles sighed in exasperation, pretending that the brief thrill that shot through him hadn't happened. "No, but I've buggered a few in my time." There was a moment of shocked silence. "You're joking," Spike said. "No, I most certainly am not," Giles said, hiding a smirk of satisfaction at the look on Spike's face. "What is it with you lot? First you got the Slayer beddin' down with bleedin' Angel, and now you? How in the hell did that come about, a Watcher shagging vampires?" Spike's eyes narrowed. "You didn't fuck *Angel*, did you?" he asked disgustedly. "I did *not* and nor ever shall I, fuck Angel. I was young, it was a . . . thing," Giles mumbled, the lack of sleep decimating his vocabulary to the point where he had to resort to Xander-speak. "A 'thing.' Right. And did you enjoy the . . . 'thing?'" Spike murmured, his eyes now focused on Giles' cock. Giles forced the gag into Spike's mouth and tied it a little too tightly, and then grabbed him by the jaw, forcing him to meet his eyes. "Yes, I enjoyed it. Quite a lot, actually. And so did they, until I got off. Because after that I killed them." His grip on Spike's jaw tightened and his voice hardened. "Listen to me, Spike. You're here not here because of my good graces, but because you might prove useful. And if you don't, I *will* kill you. You'd best take care to remember that." Something flared in Spike's eyes, either fury or desire or both, Giles couldn't tell, but he turned on his heel and trudged back up to bed, falling asleep finally and dreaming of cool skin rubbing silkily against warm. *** Giles had his face buried in the area rug in front of the fireplace, laughing so hard he couldn't speak. Spike was behind him, doing the same. Giles wondered fuzzily if getting high with Spike first thing in the morning and then listening to tales about Angel so ridiculous that they had to be true had been a good idea, and then decided he didn't care. He sighed heavily and hauled himself up on the couch, wiping away tears. "Oh, oh, Giles! 'Passions!'" Spike nudged him with his bare feet. "Dear Lord, Spike, please," Giles moaned. "Come on, what else have I got to do? What else have you got to do? Channel 7, Watcher, now!" Spike demanded and then fell over sideways with his head in Giles' lap. "What in the hell are you doing?" Giles asked, after staring at him in shock for what felt like an eternity. "It was an accident. Shut up and channel 7, you git!" Giles continued to stare at the back of Spike's head even after he'd changed the channel, knowing that he could shove him away if he wanted. He wondered why he didn't. *** "Don't do that, Watcher. Either gimme or get 'em away from me, even you ain't that cruel." "Why, Spike, I've absolutely no idea what you're talking about," Giles said, mouth full of Jaffa Cake. "You right bastard!" "So I've been told. Mostly within the past three weeks," Giles said, stuffing another Jaffa Cake in his mouth. "WATCHER!" "Oh, bloody hell, very well. You do realize you're going to get me evicted going on and on like that." Giles proffered a Jaffa Cake, holding it between his fingers until Spike had finished and pointedly ignoring the teasing touch of Spike's tongue against his fingers and the sly look in his eye as he fed Spike one after another. "That's it. They're all gone. Except for this one," Giles said, holding the last one up teasingly before popping it into his mouth and brushing the crumbs off his hands. "Bastard," Spike muttered. "So I've been told." *** Giles tried to fight it, to distract himself with his books and his music, but day after day of it and it soon it became unbearable, an addiction, a battle he was no longer able to win. With a sigh he gave in and got up from his desk and plopped down on the sofa next to still-bound Spike. "Bout time," Spike smirked. "It's about to start." Then he deliberately toppled over until his head was resting on Giles' thigh. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that. Accident. 'Passions,' channel 7, please and fuckyouverymuch." Sigh. "Why do you insist on doing that? Lying in my lap like that?" "Why do you insist on letting me?" Good question, Giles thought, and one he didn't really have an answer to. "Channel 7, hurry, you ponce!" Giles changed the channel and then clapped a hand over his eyes in embarrassment as he actually watched 'Passions' through parted fingers, while his other hand moved to rest on the back of Spike's neck, who rubbed his cheek against Giles' thigh with a contented sigh. *** "The Beatles." "Oh, sod off! The Stones!" "The Beatles!" "Stones!" "Jesus Christ," Giles said wearily. "This is the third time in as many days that we've had this discussion, if you could actually call it that, and I refuse to talk about it anymore." "Fine. Gimme a drink and play your bloody Beatles." Giles looked at him speculatively. "Will you be quiet?" Spike sighed and rolled his eyes and nodded. "Will you answer my questions?" Again Spike sighed. "Now how in the hell am I supposed to be quiet *and* answer your stupid questions?" "You know perfectly well what I mean." "Why do you even wanna know? What's the point?" "A Watcher's curiosity. Will you or not?" Spike huffed and squirmed against the ropes. "Oh, bloody hell. Fine. But it better be the _White Album_ and an entire bottle of whiskey. Two bottles of whiskey." "_Abbey Road_." "Ponce. Fine, whatever, as long as there's whiskey." Giles knelt down in front of his record collection, flipping through them until he found _Abbey Road_ which he then put on the turntable, then he lodged a cheap bottle of whiskey in the crook of Spike's elbow, complete with straw. "Now," he said, lying back on the sofa with his own drink and regarding Spike with narrowed eyes. "Tell me about Angelus and Drusilla." *** Several hours and several drinks later, Spike had finally finished his story, and Giles regarded him appraisingly. "It actually sounds as if you loved them. Angelus and Drusilla." Spike frowned, confused. "Course I did. Dru, I still do." "Vampires don't feel love." "This one does, and if you tell anyone I said that, I'll kill you, even if it makes my head explode. And how the hell would you know anyway, you a vampire? Or did all your musty old books tell you that?" Giles looked at him curiously. "What else do you feel?" "Thirsty. We done playing psychiatrist and patient? Little help, here?" Spike asked, indicating the two inches of whiskey still in the bottle that the straw couldn't reach. Giles sighed and got up and moved to stand beside him, tossing the straw aside and holding the bottle to Spike's lips. "What would Angel say?" he asked as Spike drank. "About how he felt, about the three of you, when he was Angelus?" Spike wrenched his mouth away from the bottle, coughing, whiskey spilling down his chin and throat and glared up at Giles with furious eyes. "I don't fucking know and I don't fucking care," he snarled, voice low and hard. Giles pulled his handkerchief from his back pocket and started wiping away the whiskey dripping from Spike's chin and down his neck, noting that Spike's hard gaze never left his face. "Why do you hate him so much?" Giles asked quietly. "Because he *left* me," Spike spat. Giles stared at him, eyes narrowed, then brought one hand up to cup Spike's chin, running his thumb across Spike's lips, marveling at how his expression softened from one of pain and fury to one of vulnerability. Absurd, the notion that this loud, childish, beautiful, attention-seeking creature was still nursing a wound left by Angel over 100 years ago. Ridiculous, he thought, vampires can't feel, not in the manner that humans do. . . .*this one does* . . . He continued the slow strokes of his thumb over Spike's mouth and watched as if from a distance the way Spike's eyes darkened and his mouth softened, and then he was physically jolted when Spike's tongue darted out and moved along his thumb in a wet, cool slide. Giles froze, hand and body, and stared as Spike tugged his thumb into his mouth and started sucking on it, his eyes closing, his tongue whirling around it and then the whole of his mouth pulling on it hard. Giles shuddered and pulled his hand away, then knelt beside Spike for a moment, staring up at him with eyes that spoke volumes, and then stood. "I'm going to bed," he murmured. "You do that, then," Spike said, eyes dark and knowing. Spike watched as Giles' walked slowly up the stairs and his fingers clenched tightly around the handle of the knife that was now in his hand. *** He didn't say anything when he felt the dip of the mattress as Spike climbed into bed with him, he simply rolled over and pulled Spike to him, their mouths hard and hungry against one another. Spike groaned and thrust up against him, already naked and already hard, and Giles rolled him over on to his back and pulled Spike's legs up high and rammed himself up between them. "*Jesus*," Spike hissed, fingers tight on Giles' shoulders. "Ropes didn't hold?" Giles whispered, planting a hand on the mattress on either side of Spike's chest. Spike reached up and kissed him again, mouth softer this time, and Giles moaned and met the cool wet thrusts of Spike's tongue with his own. "Got loose somehow," Spike whispered, reaching down to stroke him. Giles gasped and pulled away. "Wonder how that ever could have happened," Giles said hoarsely and then thrust into Spike roughly. "*God!*" Spike muttered through clenched teeth, head falling back. "Fuck me, Watcher, long and hard." "Only way I know," Giles said, breathlessly, and started pounding into Spike, long, hard, fast strokes that rattled the bed frame and rammed the headboard against the wall. Spike clawed at him, cursed him, bit and sucked and licked at him, and Giles groaned loudly, head swimming at the feel of Spike so tight around him and at the thought of this beautiful yet ancient boy in his bed. "*Fuck*," Giles groaned, moving faster. "So long . . ." "Harder, always harder," Spike whispered, eyes closed and hands wrapped around Giles neck. "If I fuck you any harder I'll send us both through the goddamned wall," Giles muttered, fucking him harder anyway, panting heavily, both bodies rocking frantically at the rhythm he was setting. "God, yes," Spike murmured, and reached down to stroke himself. Giles moaned as he felt it start to build and then he came, suddenly, a white hot wave of sensation slamming through him and he shuddered, crying out loudly against Spike's neck, and gradually his thrusts slowed and then stopped, and he lay across Spike trying to catch his breath. "This is where you kill me, then?" Spike whispered, running his fingers through Giles' hair. "In a manner of speaking," Giles murmured, sliding down the length of Spike's body to take Spike's cock in his mouth, and soon Spike was groaning, fingers tight around Giles' neck as he fucked Giles' mouth, hips pumping furiously as Giles played him with his tongue, and then he arched high off the bed and thrust deeply into Giles' throat, and Giles moaned in satisfaction and swallowed as Spike came, cold fluid fire on his tongue and down his throat. "Jesus fuckin' Christ," Spike whispered, reaching down to haul Giles on top of him. They stared at one another for a long while. "What in the hell are we doin'?" Spike murmured, the softness and vulnerability back, his eyes searching Giles' face. "I have no fucking idea," Giles whispered, his fingers running lightly over Spike's mouth. "So am I the first vampire you ever shagged that you didn't dust? At least not yet?" Giles smiled slightly in spite of himself. "Yes," he whispered. "At least not yet." "Good, then. Makes me feel special," Spike said smugly, rolling over on to his side and pulling and tugging until Giles was wrapped around him completely, and then he fell asleep. Giles stared at him a long time. Spike 'felt special.' Impossible, in spite of all of Spike's insistence and evidence to the contrary. Vampires do not *feel*. . . .*this one does* . . . Giles sighed and pushed all thoughts away and nuzzled against the back of Spike's neck. He'd fucked up, he knew, but right now he didn't care. Right now was all touch and scent and taste in a bed that had been too cold and too lonely for too long and a bed that was now, oddly, warmed nicely by a vampire whose skin was cool to the touch. . . .*this one does* . . . The refrain echoed through his mind as Giles drifted off to sleep. *** Part Two "TURN THAT BLOODY NOISE OFF!" Giles bellowed from the shower. Spike peeked into the bathroom and grinned suggestively as his eyes slid over Giles' body. "And what if I don't?" he asked. "I've told you time and again, the Clash, yes, the Sex Pistols, bloody fucking *no!*" Giles said, glaring. Spike disappeared and the Pistols became even louder. Giles gritted his teeth and tried to think of a suitable punishment. *** "*Harder*, Watcher," Spike groaned. "No," Giles whispered against the skin of Spike's back, thrusting inside him with long, slow strokes and reaching around to touch him lightly, teasingly. "*Fuck*," Spike hissed in frustration, rocking back against him hard, trying to spur him on. "Yes," Giles murmured, grinning, wrapping his arms around Spike's waist and biting and licking lightly at the back of his neck. "But slowly." "Jesus fuck, it'll take forever at this rate," Spike moaned. Giles ran one hand over Spike's back, looking at him in wonder. "*Fuck*, Spike, but you're beautiful." "I am, aren't I?" Giles smacked him hard on the ass and Spike snickered, and then he moaned as Giles rammed into him hard and fast for a few seconds before slowing down again. "Jesus Christ, Watcher, *please*," Spike groaned. "Slowly," Giles panted. "It will be worth it." The volume of Spike's bellow when he finally came proved Giles' words to be true. *** "You're bleedin', I can smell it," Spike said, stepping out of the darkness as Giles fumbled with the lock on his front door. "Yes, someone or . . . something caught me in the side when we were in the Initiative," Giles said, wincing and dropping his keys. "Here, now," Spike said, putting one hand to the small of Giles' back to steady him and bending down to pick up the keys and unlock the door. "You all right?" he asked as he ushered Giles into the flat. "I'm fine," Giles grumbled, collapsing on the couch. "Lemme see," Spike said, hiking up Giles' sweater to reveal a long, deep gash in his side. "Bloody hell." "It's just a flesh wound." Spike snorted. "You know, that was bloody fuckin' funny the first five hundred times I ever heard it," he said, frowning and running his fingers gently along the gash. He stared at the wound and the blood seeping from it, and then up at Giles, and suddenly there was a thrum in the air that was almost electrical that made the hair on the back of Giles' neck stand on end. Spike started to pull away, looking somewhat frightened, but Giles caught him by the back of the neck. "You want to . . ." "No! No, I don't!" Spike said. "You do." Giles stared at Spike, eyes dark. "Go on." "No, I can't, I don't know if . . ." "Do it," Giles whispered, tugging Spike closer. Spike's nostrils flared and he stared at Giles. "You sure?" "Yes." "Why?" Spike asked, frowning. "Watcher's curiosity," he said, smiling slightly. "You know what they say about curiosity," Spike murmured and then leaned in. At the first touch of his tongue on jagged flesh Giles jumped, the thrum vibrating through the air now singing through his body, and as Spike licked and sucked and made muffled noises of satisfaction Giles found himself, in spite of his exhaustion, wanting him, wanting him hard and wanting him now. Suddenly Spike's mouth was on his, the coppery tang of his own blood coming back to him. "Jesus," he whispered against Spike's mouth. "What does it feel like when you actually *bite*?" "Very, very, good," Spike whispered, sliding his hand down the front of Giles' jeans. "And then you die." Giles laughed in spite of himself. That night he dreamed, crimson-tinted images of death. *** "Hang on, where the hell you goin'?" Spike mumbled, grabbing Giles' arm as he started to slide out of bed. "'Passions,'" Giles said, rolling his eyes at himself even as he said it. "Oh, fuckin' hell, you're right," Spike said and leapt over the railing and bounded on to the couch. Giles shook his head and took the more usual route down the stairs, and wondered how it had ever come about that he would have a naked vampire leaping with such athletic grace about his flat. He sighed and sat down on the sofa and they both took up their regular positions, Giles with his feet propped on the coffee table and Spike's head resting against his thigh, Giles' hand on the back of Spike's neck. Giles propped his head against his other and ran his thumb lightly across the short hair on the back of Spike's neck. It had been over two months since Spike had first crawled into his bed, and he'd very rarely been out of it since. What he'd been doing and why had been weighing on his mind for a long while now. Giles wondered at his own motivations; was he doing this because Spike could help, had helped? Had he used Spike as a weapon against Adam and the Initiative? Did he actually *care* for Spike, was it even *possible* to care for a vampire? He thought about Buffy and Angel and decided that must be different, Angel was ensouled, after all. Spike was simply muzzled, and despite the time they'd spent together since Spike had escaped the Initiative, Giles was troubled to realize that he still didn't trust Spike, at least not completely, and had no idea what might happen if the chip were removed. Then he remembered that Spike had tasted him, licked at his blood, but had attempted nothing more. And then again, there was the chip. He stared down at Spike for a long time, thinking too much, confused and worried, wavering about what he needed to do, and the entire time he kept his hand on Spike, his thumb brushing across Spike's neck and smiling slightly every time Spike shivered. Absurd. Affection without trust? Yet here it was. He was dancing with the darkness, and he was enjoying it, and he was terribly afraid it was going to swallow him whole. It had tried before, when he was young, and he'd had to pay the price. He hauled Spike across his lap suddenly and leaned down to kiss him hard. "Hey, now," Spike murmured, smiling up at him lazily. "What's got into you?" "You, I hope," Giles whispered, kissing him again and deciding as he did so that he had to end this, and was startled to realize that just the thought of it hurt down to the very marrow of his bones. *** "Olivia, my dear. Just wondering when you were arriving." *** "Why're you pawnin' me off on Harris, eh? Gettin' rid of me? Company comin'? Some bird?" Spike spat, pacing angrily in front of Giles where he leaned up against the wall, arms crossed. "Yes, Spike, she's an old friend of . . ." "You gonna fuck her?" Spike demanded, shoving his face into Giles. Giles' eyes hardened. "None of your goddamned business. Our little interlude is over, Spike." "*Interlude?* What's this all about, then? Provin' your *manhood*?" "This has nothing to do with my sexuality, Spike. It has everything to do with my *humanity*," Giles said, voice low and hard. Spike stumbled back a bit, looking hurt and angry and confused. "So that's it, then? I'm soilin' your precious, fuckin' *humanity*? You sure as fuck didn't seem to have a problem with it when you had me on all fours, now, did you?" "Spike . . ." "Shut up! This was never even about me, was it? Not *me*," he shouted, pounding one fist against his own chest. "You were fuckin' *usin'* me, keepin' the vampire happy on the leash until the good guys won. Well, good on you, *Rupert*, worked real well, had me fooled but good." Spike grabbed the small bag with his meager belongings and started to storm out the door. "Spike!" "Tell Harris I'm makin' other arrangements," Spike yelled over his shoulder and disappeared into the night. Giles almost ran after him. Almost. Then he sighed and scrubbed at his face and looked around the flat. Too quiet. Too grey. All the color gone. The right thing, he told himself. He'd done the right thing, no matter how much it hurt. No matter how much it hurt the both of them. *. . . vampires can't feel . . .* *. . . this one does . . .* *** He enjoyed Olivia's visit. She stayed for three weeks and they laughed and drank and reminisced and slid into his bed every night, and he tried his damnedest to hide inside her. But after he'd bid her an affectionate goodbye, he realized nothing had changed. His thoughts were still elsewhere, somewhere out there in the dark and the dank. Finally, after too many nights when the bed seemed too big and the flat seemed too quiet, he slid into his clothes and went out hunting in the darkness, for the darkness. *** Spike sat in the blackness of the crypt, slouched down low in the single chair, cigarette in his hand and bottle of whiskey by his side. He didn't look up when Giles entered, instead staring at the ground. "What the fuck are you doin' here?" he muttered, flicking his still-burning cigarette at Giles' feet. "Come for a roll in the dirt, muck up your precious humanity?" Giles stubbed out the cigarette with his toe, trying to fight down a wave of frustration and longing at the sight of him. "I owe you," he said, tossing a wad of cash into Spike's lap. Spike snorted. "Well, if that doesn't make me feel the whore, I don't know what will," he said bitterly, flinging the money back in Giles' face. "That's not my intention," Giles said through clenched teeth. "What the fuck *is* your intention, Watcher?" Spike mumbled, lighting another cigarette. "I owe you. For your help, with Ethan." "Ah, yes. Demon Watcher. Coulda killed you then, now I wish I would've." Giles was surprised at how much that stung. "You don't mean that." Finally Spike looked at him. "Don't I?" They stared at one another for a long while in silence, each studying the other carefully. "Join us," Giles said finally. "Help us. You could prove an invaluable asset . . ." "And here we go again, talkin' about me like I'm some kind of *thing*." Giles sighed, frustrated, and rubbed at his brow. He was going about this all wrong. "Spike, I didn't mean . . ." "You say lots of things you don't mean, now don't you? Quite the accomplished liar, a bit like myself, hats off and all that rot." "Spike . . ." "You want me, don't you?" Spike asked suddenly, voice low and sultry. Giles pulled up, surprised and struggling with himself over what to say. "Yes," he whispered finally. "But that's not the point." Spike laughed, an ugly sound. "Course it is. Sorry, old man, can't have me." "Spike, for Christ's sake . . ." "Get the fuck outta here, Watcher, I can smell her all over you. And take your bleedin' money with you." "Spike . . ." "GO!" Spike bellowed, suddenly in Giles' face. "Take your fuckin' money and go!" He flashed the wad of cash in Giles' face and then stuffed it down Giles' pants pocket, deliberately sliding his fingers alongside Giles' cock as he did so. Giles gasped and stumbled a bit at the rush of sensation and reached out to steady himself against Spike, but Spike shoved him away. "Get out, *Rupert*," he mumbled, turning and stalking with cat-like grace back to his chair. "Ain't nothin' for you here. Not anymore." Giles turned on his heel and stormed out. *** For three nights he drank too much and thought too much, and then on the fourth night as he sat on the sofa he felt a surge in his blood and was on his feet and striding toward the door even as it slammed open, and he met Spike more than halfway, arms open and mouth hungry, and they struggled angrily against one another, fighting for more, more touch, more taste, more scent, and Spike slammed him up against the wall, ramming himself up between his thighs and he grunted in pain and in pleasure. "Never again, Watcher," Spike hissed, humping up against him frantically. "You'll *never* do that to me again, never make me feel less than . . ." "No," Giles whispered, arms tight around Spike's waist. "Never." He slid one hand around Spike's neck and pulled him close, running his mouth over Spike's face and tasting tears, and something broke inside himself and he was mindless, hands and mouth running furiously over Spike in a delirium of lust and something else, something stronger, and Spike growled and responded in kind, and they fell into a graceless, frantic pile on the floor, lost in one another. The thought came to Giles, unbidden and fleeting, as he struggled with his body to take all of Spike that he could take, that yes, this one does. *** Part Three "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" Spike bellowed and wormed his way onto Giles' lap, straddling him, forcing him away from his books and pinning him back against the sofa, running his mouth up and down Giles' neck. Giles sighed. "Why are you still here? You've drunk all my liquor, including that 20-year-old bottle of single malt that I *thought* I had hidden away properly, you made me suffer through not one but *two* episodes of 'Dawson's Creek,' and you've stolen at least two tins of Earl Grey, don't think I don't know about that, you thieving bastard!" "Did not." "You most certainly did!" "Did not." "Did too! "Did not." "And what, pray tell, has happened to all my Clapton albums?" Giles asked, eyes narrowed. "Don't know what you're talkin' about," Spike smirked. "You bloody well do!" "Do not." "Do too!" "Do not." "Oh, bloody hell," Giles muttered, infuriated at the level of immaturity Spike could reduce him to. "And I'm here because of this," Spike murmured, thrusting his hand between them and massaging Giles' cock. "You're bloody insatiable, it's all I can do to keep up with you. Spike, I'm sorry, but with the Magic Box and Buffy's new training schedule and this new horror called Glory, I simply don't have the time to spend that I did last year." "So what the fuck am I supposed to do, get a hobby? Little toy trains all about the place?" Spike murmured, his tongue now in Giles' ear as he rocked against his crotch. Giles shuddered and reached up to grab Spike by the chin. "That might not be such a bad idea. You could help us quite a lot, you know. Your contacts, your strength Ð you could help Buffy with her training." "Can I kill her?" Spike asked hopefully. "Is your chip still working?" Sigh. "Then, no, you can't. And you know what I'd do to you if you tried." "Ain't you I'd be worried about; it'd be Joyce. Or Dawn." Spike made a face and gave an exaggerated shudder. "That's the smartest thing you've said all day. Perhaps the smartest thing you've said in your entire lifetime, which is saying quite a lot." "You should respect your elders, whelp. Now shut up and fuckin' kiss me." Giles sat back, arms crossed. "No. Not until you promise to help us. This is serious, Spike, Glory is unlike anything we've ever faced before." Spike sighed and hauled himself off Giles' lap, holding out his hand. "Bloody hell, fine, you got my muscle and my contacts and I'll be hittin' the streets tomorrow. NOW FUCKIN' GET UPSTAIRS AND GET NAKED!" "I do *so* enjoy being swept off my feet in such a romantic manner," Giles said, rolling his eyes. "Ponce!" "Prat!" "Twit!" "Bastard!" "Right, then. Enough with the foreplay. We fuckin' or what?" Giles sighed an exaggerated sigh. "Oh, I suppose if we must, we must. And you'll be paying for that scotch." Spike grinned. "Can't wait." *** It was late the next morning and Spike had begun a slow, lazy slide with his mouth down Giles' chest when they heard the front door open. "Giles? Giles?" Willow called. Giles froze and his eyes widened, and Spike slid back up and clapped a hand over his mouth. "Not a word, Watcher," he whispered, voice so low Giles himself could barely hear it. "I guess he's not here. I'll just grab those books and leave him a note." "Not here? Oh, goody, time for some good, old-fashioned snoopin'!" Xander said cheerily, and Giles writhed within Spike's steel grip. "Oh, stop it, Watcher," Spike whispered. "I hate that one, he's a stupid git. If I was gonna kill any of you, he'd be first." Giles eyes widened further and then his chest started heaving. "Why, Watcher, are you laughing?" Giles nodded, giggling helplessly. "Well, stop it! You'll set me off and we'll both be in trouble!" "I d-don't think snooping is such a good idea, Xander. I mean, would you want someone going through your personal, private, you know, stuff?" Tara asked. There was a long moment of silence. "Uh, that'd be a big huge honkin' no, aaaaaaaaaaaaand let'stalkaboutsomethingelseshallwe?" Xander said. "Cause of all that gay porn he's got stashed away, you *know* he's got that demon girl givin' it to him with a strap-on," Spike whispered and Giles shook harder, tears streaming. "Stop that!" Spike hissed, starting to lose it himself, and Giles clapped his own hand over Spike's mouth. Spike's eyes gleamed and he positioned himself between Giles thighs and started rubbing up against him lightly, causing a muffled moan amidst all the giggling. "Hey, Spike's coat is here," Xander said and they heard the slap of leather against leather as Xander put the coat on. "Hey, look at me, I'm the big, old, fangless bad! GRRR!" Spike started to leap off the bed in fury but Giles held him fast, hand sliding down between them and stroking Spike's cock, still giggling silently. Spike's eyes closed and he started thrusting against Giles' hand, tongue flicking out to tease Giles' palm. "Very funny, Xander. Hello, Glory research to do?" "Guys, I really think we should g-go," Tara said. "I'm not sure Mr. Giles would like it if we were here without him knowing." "That one I like," Spike whispered. "There's somethin' about her . . ." Giles nodded his silent agreement. "Take me just a second, baby," Willow said absently. "Why would Spike's coat be here?" Xander asked. "Oh, they're probably off at all the demon haunts lookin' for Glory info, maybe he just forgot it." "Hope Giles took something big and pointy to poke him with, just in case." Spike and Giles locked eyes and then they both lost it, laughing silently and so hard that the bed frame shook, and Spike buried his face in Giles' neck while Giles' wrapped both hands around their cocks. "Big and pointy, indeed," Spike whispered and started thrusting. "Big, warm hands, Watcher," he murmured, biting at Giles' neck as Giles started thrusting back in counterpoint to Spike's movements. "Nice . . ." "Willow? Sorry to rush you, but I really think we n-need to go . . ." "Okay, got what I need, note in place, let's motor on back to the Magic Box." Giles groaned softly, no longer giggling, and when they finally heard the front door slam Spike propped himself up on his hands, thrusting hard and fast. "*Jesus*, Spike," Giles groaned. "Like it, love?" Spike whispered, licking at Giles mouth with teasing strokes of his tongue. "Fuck, yes," Giles growled, eyes hard. "Then come for me. All over me, make me slick with it . . ." "*God*!" Giles muttered, thrusting up against Spike hard. "Yeah, like that, nice and hard, love . . ." Spike moaned against Giles' mouth before plunging his tongue deep inside, and Giles groaned and arched up against him, coming, shuddering with release, then smearing the wetness of it over Spike's cock and stroking him hard in time to his thrusts. "*Fuck*, Watcher, so hot and wet, Jesus fuckin' Christ," Spike hissed, hips pistoning furiously and then he gasped and bit down hard on Giles' shoulder, coming all over Giles' belly before collapsing atop him. Giles wiped his hands on the sheets and reached up to frame Spike's face. "Beautiful boy," he murmured. "Hundred years older than you, love," Spike said, smiling sleepily. Then he frowned suddenly. "HOW IN THE HELL AM I GONNA GET HARRIS STINK OUT OF THAT GODDAMNED COAT??" he yelled, infuriated. Giles laughed and then grumbled when he was forced to spend the next two weeks using Spike's coat as a blanket. *** "Figured you'd be here," Spike said quietly, stepping out of the shadows and moving to stand next to Giles and staring down at Joyce's grave. "How did you know?" Giles asked, taking off his glasses and wiping angrily at his eyes. "You were together, the two of you." Giles sighed. "Yes. Briefly." "No, not briefly. Not mystically, not the thing everyone knows about with the soddin' candy." Giles stared at him, shocked. "How did you . . ." Spike shrugged and returned his gaze to her grave. "She told me." "She *told* you?" "Yeah. We talked a lot, actually. Dunno why, but she was always nice to me, except for, you know, that whole bashin' me on the head thing when I first tried to kill the Slayer." Giles bit back a smile. "And toward the end there, after the Slayer brought her and Dawn to the crypt, she started comin' to see me almost every day. She liked 'Passions,' too, you know." Giles smiled in spite of himself. "Did she? So that's where you started disappearing to, you had a daily date with Joyce to watch 'Passions?'" "Yep." Giles sighed again and stared off into the night. "Over two years." "What happened?" "Life happened." "Been known to happen, I suppose." "Yes," Giles sighed. "We remained close, however, because of Buffy." "Would've even if it weren't for the Slayer. Just the kind of people you are. Were." "Perhaps. I'll never know, now," Giles said, looking down again at her grave. "I seem to keep burying the people I love." Spike was quiet for a long time, thinking, and then he tossed the flowers he was carrying near the base of the grave marker, sighing. "Whenever you need me, Watcher," Spike murmured, slipping back into the shadows, and it wasn't long before Giles followed. *** *"Your doubts. They eat at you."* *"Yes. Constantly."* *"He loves."* *"He's a *vampire*."* *"Yet still he loves. He is capable of loving completely and devotedly, for centuries."* *"He's a killer."* *"He is a victim, as well. He is a child, he is lonely, he is frightened. He has lost everything that was ever important to him, and now he is crippled, as well."* *"I'm a *Watcher*; this goes against everything I've ever been taught."* *"You've been rebelling against all that you've been taught your entire life. Think, Watcher, try to understand. Why has so much of his humanity remained while others embrace the darkness fully, without love, without tenderness, only the bond of the blood rape tying them together . . ."* *"Vampires cannot feel love."* *"So you keep saying. But still it echoes through your mind, that . . ."* *" . . . this one does."* *"Yes. Ask the right questions, Watcher. Ask, instead of assuming. He is different, there are things ahead of him that you cannot even imagine now . . ."* *** Giles awoke with a start, rubbing at his eyes as Buffy trudged wearily through the sand to where he was sitting by the remnants of the fire. She plopped down beside him with a heavy sigh. "Well?" he asked quietly. She looked up at him with tired eyes. "Death is my gift," she whispered, and a fear so sharp it hurt sliced through him. He stared at her for a long time with a disconnected sense of foreboding, and then he hauled her into his lap and held her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his waist and started crying, and he rocked her slightly and for a very long time, whispering words of comfort into her hair. *** Giles looked up from his books to see Tara smiling bashfully and toying with a rather tattered-looking yellow daisy. He smiled slightly. "A gift from Willow?" he asked. "What? Oh, no," she said, blushing. "Spike g-gave it to me." Giles sat back, crossing his arms. "Did he, now?" he asked curiously. "Yeah," she said, setting it aside and returning to her research. "Sorry, Mr. Giles, I just thought it was nice. . ." "No, no, my dear, that's quite all right." She smiled and ducked her head. "Do you mind if I ask why he gave it to you?" "Oh, well, he said that the colors reminded him of me, the green and the gold," she said, picking up the flower again and twirling it in her fingers. Giles eyebrows rose. "He actually said all that?" "Well, no, not at first. He just walked in here and kind of threw it at me and then started to leave," she said, smiling slightly. "And then?" Her eyes rose to meet his full on, possibly for the first time since he'd met her, a steady gaze full of strength and serenity and wisdom. "And then," she said firmly, "I asked the right questions." *** "Spike, why is it that you never sired another?" Giles whispered. Spike shrugged, burrowing more deeply underneath the blankets. "Dunno. Never really needed to, had all I wanted with Angelus and Dru," he murmured, his eyes closing. "Could've lived with Dru forever, would've been enough for me, if she'd just stayed . . ." Giles watched Spike for a long time as he slept, wondering. *** "Lie back, careful now," Giles ordered, before hurrying to find the first aid kit. "'M fine," Spike mumbled. "You most certainly are not," Giles snapped. "Now just shut the fuck up." "Bloody nice bedside manner." "What did I just say? Shut up and let me do this!" Giles gingerly cleaned and bandaged all the wounds on Spike's face, then cut away his t-shirt and winced at the vicious-looking injuries there before cleaning and bandaging those as well. "Be all right," Spike said. "Humor me," Giles said shortly before finishing his work, and then he sat back and sighed. "I can't get you upstairs, will you be all right here?" Spike nodded weakly and something in Giles' head clicked and before he could think twice he'd pulled the switchblade from his back pocket and had cut three long slashes along his forearm and was trying to force Spike to drink. "Can't . . ." "Do it, you stupid bastard!" Giles ordered, angry, and finally Spike did, feeding greedily, and Giles braced himself with his other hand against the surge of feeling, both physical and emotional, that this brought on, and then Spike shoved his arm away and they both fell back, gasping, Giles sitting with his head between his knees, trying to regain his bearings. When his head finally cleared, Giles sighed and looked at Spike speculatively. "Extraordinary. What you did today, for Dawn and Buffy." "Surprises you?" Spike mumbled. "You never fail to surprise me, Spike." *** "How's the witch? Golden?" Giles sighed. "Not good." "I'll kill that fuckin' bitch, hellgod or not, I'll fuckin' *kill* her." Giles closed his eyes and wished it were that easy. *** She was smiling. She'd soared off the tower, arms wide, and time had slowed to a crawl, and he'd watched in disbelief as she plunged through the portal and then, just for a moment, he'd been sure, he'd been *positive*, that she'd actually take flight. But here she was, lying in front of him, a crumpled mass of broken bone and hardly any blood. Why wasn't there more blood? And she was smiling. His vision greyed and he was dimly aware that his knees were buckling, and he was caught from behind and lowered gently to the ground, and he sat there and stared at her through a misty haze as Spike barked orders, telling Willow to help Dawn and forcing Tara to sit down beside Giles and take his hand, then Spike swept Buffy up in his arms, ignoring his own tears, and then somehow, together he and Tara helped Giles to his feet and then they were walking, somewhere, Giles didn't remember much after that. *** "We need Giles, we can't do this by ourselves," Xander said, pacing, and trying not to look at Buffy's broken body laid out on her bed. "I know, Harris, but give him a bit, all right? Just a few hours." Xander stared at him for a long time. "Right. A few hours. Guess there's no rush now," he said, voice breaking. Spike started to leave, and then stopped. "For what it's worth, Harris, I *am* sorry." Xander nodded, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve. "I know. I get that now. After everything that's happened the past few months, I get it." "We'll be along soon as he wakes up, right?" Xander sighed wearily. "Right." *** They buried her almost immediately, Spike and Giles and Xander digging her grave in silence, and then they'd put her in the ground, all of them staring at her grave in disbelief. The next two weeks were a blur, frantic planning and re-planning, making decisions and re-thinking them, and all of them clung to Giles, demanding comfort and reassurance and, in the unintentionally selfish manner of those who've lost someone they loved, not giving any back, except for Tara, who would occasionally touch his shoulder or hold his hand, and in the end it was she who finally came up with the plan they could all agree on. He'd stayed at Buffy's house the entire time, at their insistence, exhausted and grieving and claustrophobic, until one evening he went out on to the front porch to get some air and found Tara and Spike talking quietly. They stopped when the saw him, and Tara smiled and came toward him, Spike following her, and she grabbed his hand. "We can handle this, Mr. Giles. You should go home, get some rest," she murmured and then transferred his hand from hers to Spike's. He looked at her in weary astonishment. "We'll call you if we need anything," she said, and reached up to kiss him on the cheek, then did the same to Spike who smiled and held her tightly for a moment, and then she disappeared into the house. Giles looked at their clasped hands. "She knows?" he asked, not knowing what else to say. "Has from the start, apparently. That okay with you?" Giles was still staring blankly at their hands. "Yes. Of course it is. It's Tara," he said, as if that explained everything. "Right. Come home." *** "I was up there, Watcher, I tried to . . ." Giles slid automatically into comfort mode. "Spike, there's nothing you could have done . . ." "No, no, no, listen to me, Giles." His head jerked up at the sound of his proper name. "What I'm sayin' is there's nothin' *you* could've done. I know you're blamin' yourself, and right now you're probably thinkin' ugly thoughts about Dawn which you'd best keep to yourself, cause I know later on you'll regret even thinkin' 'em, and you're runnin' the whole thing over and over in your mind, tryin' to figure out how you could've kept her alive." Giles looked down at his hands and noted that they were trembling. "My point bein', she was a hero. Died a hero's death, saved the world, saved the things she loved most in the world, Dawn, you, her friends. Nothin' you could have done, it had to happen like this, it was what she wanted." "Death was her gift." "One of 'em, yeah," Spike said softly. "Now what?" Giles whispered. "Now you sleep." "And then?" "And then you'll cry, for her, and then, I'll try to help you forget, if only for a bit." "Help me?" Giles asked, voice breaking. "However I can," Spike whispered and took him by the hand and led him up the stairs to bed. *** Part Four *** He found himself thinking constantly of Buffy's father. How could he not *know*? How could a man's daughter *die* and he not know, somehow? Wouldn't a father know, wasn't there some kind of connection between father and child, a link, wouldn't you fucking *know* that the light had gone out? He would sit and drink and stare and think with obsessive rage of the man who had abandoned his wife and two daughters, off somewhere on the other side of the world, and not fucking *knowing* that his child was dead and rotting away in a makeshift grave on top of the Hellmouth. He didn't sleep often, but when he did he dreamt of killing him, of killing Buffy's father. *** "You can't keep doin' this. I'm all for a good drunk, but this has been goin' on for weeks." "I've nothing else to do. Not anymore" "Oh, fuck all, quit feelin' sorry for yourself! There's plenty to do, you git, you can get off that bloody sofa and *help*. They're lookin' to *me*, Watcher, waitin' for me to tell 'em what to do and how to do it - *me*. Somethin' a bit off about that, don't you think? I'm no leader, no fuckin' hero, and they keep askin' *me* what they should do!" "Has Buffy's father called?" "Jesus fuckin' Christ!" Spike yelled, knocking the glass out of Giles' hand, and he watched blearily as the scotch soaked into the carpet. "Buffy's *father* is doin' her memory right proud by sittin' in his flat day and night, stinkin' drunk, and leavin' her friends out there to die. We had to put Harris in hospital the other night, you do remember that, don't you? Concussion, knife to the gut? He kept askin' for you, at least when he was awake enough to, and I called, Red called, and you were here, drunk and outta your head and droolin' all over yourself, leavin' him, leavin' all of 'em, alone and scared out of their minds. *That's* what Buffy's fuckin' *father* has been doin' Ð reckon that's just what she would have wanted." Spike shrugged into his duster. "I've gotta take the lot of 'em on patrol; you just sit here and keep tryin' to forget they even exist, right?" Spike stormed out of the flat and slammed the door behind him, and after a long moment Giles reached with a shaking hand for the glass on the floor and refilled it. How could a father not *know*? *** He jerked awake when the door slammed opened and groaned at the pounding in his head. "Spike, please, not now," he whispered. "It's me, Mr. Giles," Tara said, kneeling beside him and grabbing the half-empty bottle of scotch and then storming into the kitchen. "Tara?" he said, wincing at the bright light coming through the windows. "Yes," she said, slamming around in the kitchen and he turned to see her scooping up all the bottles of liquor off the counter and then pouring them one by one down the drain. "Tara, what on earth . . ." "Enough," she said firmly. "We need you." When all the bottles were empty she tossed them into the trash and started a pot of coffee, and then moved to sit in front of him, perching on the coffee table and taking his hands. "What . . ." "Shut up," she ordered and he blinked in surprise. "Uh, p-please," she added, and then she closed her eyes and there was a shimmer of gold green light and his own eyes closed and his head fell forward and he moaned as it slid through him, dulling slightly the edges of all his pain, both emotional and physical, and then he sat up straight with a jolt, staring at her. She opened her eyes slowly. "I can't fix this, Mr. Giles, I can't take the pain away. But I give comfort where I can." "And clarity," he whispered. "Jesus, what in the hell have I been doing?" "Hurting. Like the rest of us. And grieving, like the rest of us. But hiding, and you can't do that anymore." "God, Tara, I'm so sorry . . ." She flung herself forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's all right. Just come back to us," she whispered, and he clung to her tightly for a moment before she pulled away. *** He came out of the bathroom, hair still damp from the shower, and watched for a moment as Tara and Spike teased one another quietly as she hovered over the stove where she was making breakfast. Spike looked up and stared at him for long time before smiling slightly, and then he turned to back Tara and swept her in his arms and hugged her tightly as she giggled. They ate in companionable silence as Tara bustled around the flat, straightening and cleaning. "I like this one," Spike said finally, grabbing her around the waist as she brushed past him and pulling her into his lap. "A witch, a maid *and* a cook. We should keep her." He suffered a hard elbow to the gut and scowled at her and Giles laughed, for the first time since Buffy died. "Sorry, Spike, but the maid service is a one-shot thing," she said haughtily. "I know," Spike said, grabbing her by the chin and looking her in the eye. "Thank you, love." "Yes, Tara," Giles said quietly. "Thank you." She smiled at both of them before going on about her work. *** He finally gathered them all at the Magic Box and they all stared at him, looking in turns grateful, angry, relieved and scared. He cursed himself for his weeks of self-indulgence and sighed, pacing. "So," he said finally. "Tell me what's been happening." They all started talking at once. *** Their efforts quickly became coordinated and efficient, inasmuch as that was possible, and it wasn't long before he was confident enough to let them patrol alone when the need arose. They settled into a routine, Tara and Anya taking turns staying at home with Dawn as the rest of them went out, and, as impossible as it seemed and as much as it still hurt, life went on. Dawn, after days of resentful silence, finally broke down, weeping and crawling into his lap and he would hold her and they would talk about Buffy, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying, and they would go together every day to visit her grave, and sometimes she would ask him why her father hadn't called. He still didn't have an answer to that question. *** "What's wrong, Watcher?" Spike whispered against the skin of his neck. Giles stared into the darkness. "Something's happening. They're avoiding me, and when I do see them they won't look me in the eye." "I've noticed." "Tara?" "Won't tell me anythin'," Spike murmured. "Been hidin' from me, where before she . . . do you think I should . . ." "Yes," Giles said firmly. "Start with Willow's and Tara's dorm room, see if they've been working on something, anything, books, ingredients for spells, anything that looks out of place." "Red's gettin' a little happy with the magic," Spike said. "I know. That's what concerns me." *** Giles stared at the book Spike handed him, dumbfounded, and then rushed over to the calendar, his fingers running over the dates hurriedly. "*GODDAMMIT*," he bellowed, then stiffened and put a hand over his mouth when Spike frowned and jerked his head in the direction of the stairs, reminding him that Dawn was up in her room. "What is it?" Spike asked. "All four of them, they're all gone tonight, correct?" he muttered. "Yeah, patrollin' . . . or not, what in the hell is goin' on, Watcher?" Giles slammed the book down on the countertop. "This is a resurrection spell, Spike," he said, voice low and hard. "They're going to try to bring her back." Spike stared at him. "*What*? After all this time?" "It can work, when done properly, and Willow *is* powerful, but I don't know that she's capable of *this*," Giles hissed, shrugging into his coat. "The risks are just too . . . I cannot *believe* they're attempting this, there are so many things that could go wrong . . . I swear to God, if she comes back wrong, I'll fucking kill the lot of them . . ." Spike was silent for a moment. "You sound like you actually mean that." "I damn well do! Take Dawn to Janice's and meet me at Buffy's grave," he muttered and stormed out of the house. Spike stared after him for a long time before running up the stairs to Dawn's room. *** "Demons everywhere." "I know," Giles muttered, staring at Buffy's grave and the broken shards of the urn. "Is Dawn all right?" "Yeah, she and the girl are havin' a grand old time, watchin' the chaos, like they're at a bloody movie or somethin'," Spike said. He looked around. "Where are they?" "I don't know, they were gone when I got here." His voice and his posture were brittle, tight with rage. "You gotta calm it down, Watcher," Spike murmured. "They're kids, they don't know any better . . ." "Willow does," Giles snapped. Spike sighed. "Maybe. Any idea if it worked?" "No." "So what, we wait?" "I've no idea," Giles said, sighing. He rubbed wearily at his face. "I don't know if . . ." "Wait, Watcher, hush," Spike said and tilted his head, listening. Giles watched with growing dread as Spike fell to all fours and put his ear to the dirt of Buffy's grave. "Fuck all," he whispered and looked up at Giles with wide eyes. "She's diggin' her way out." *** She cringed and clung to Giles tightly, filthy and hands bloodied and the stink of rotting flesh still on her clothes, and when the three of them got back to her house they found the rest of them there, talking frantically in the living room. Willow leapt to her feet when she saw them. "Oh, my God! Buffy! It worked, oh, God, Buffy!" she said, running toward them. Buffy flinched and hid her face in Giles' chest and he gritted his teeth and shoved Willow away with a hard hand to the chest and she stared at him, shocked. "Giles?" "Shut up, Willow!" he muttered and then turned and handed Buffy over to Spike. "Take her upstairs and get her cleaned up." Spike nodded, casting a glance at Xander, Anya and Tara, who were staring in turns at Buffy and at Giles, fidgeting nervously, and then he looked back at Giles. "Take it easy, Watcher," he murmured. "Just take her," Giles hissed and watched as Spike slowly escorted Buffy up the stairs. As soon as they were out of sight he rounded on Willow, furious and frightened. "How could you have done something so utterly *stupid?*" "What? Well, her death was, you know, mystical, and we didn't know if maybe she hadn't ended up in, like, a hell dimension," Willow said, wringing her hands. Giles advanced on her, shoving his face into hers. "'We?' Or *you*?" "Well, yeah, it was my idea, I found the spell . . . Giles, what's wrong with you? Aren't you glad she's back?" she asked, confused. "That's the bloody point, Willow, we don't *know* that she's back! Her body is here but we don't know if *she* is and don't you dare tell me you didn't know that was one of the risks!" he shouted. "Wait, hang on," Xander said, wiping one hand across his mouth. "What are you saying, exactly?" "What I'm saying," Giles muttered, never taking his eyes off Willow. "Is that if she's come back wrong, that if I have to do the unspeakable, that there will be a price to be paid." "What do you mean, unspeakable?" Willow asked, voice trembling and eyes now filling with tears. "I mean," Giles said through clenched teeth, eyes hard and body trembling. "That if you've fucked this up, if she's not all right, then I will have to *kill* her, Willow. She'll die, *again*." "Oh, God," Willow whispered, stumbling back against the sofa. "I'm taking her home with me. Not a word of this to Dawn until we know how Buffy is, and I want the lot of you to stay the hell away until I contact you, am I understood?" They all nodded, staring at the floor, and he stormed up the stairs. *** "Thank you for coming, Wesley, and on such short notice . . ." Giles said wearily, sitting in one of the chairs in the courtyard. "Giles, what on earth possessed them to do such a thing?" Wesley asked, eyes narrowed. Giles sighed. "They love her. They missed her. And they thought they were doing the right thing," he mumbled, his earlier rage having dissipated as Buffy had slowly begun to seem her old self again. "Perhaps they have. Done the right thing, I mean, but they were taking such a tremendous risk, Giles . . . I had no idea Willow had become so strong," Wesley said. "Neither had I. I haven't been paying as much attention as I should have." "Well, they were hiding it from you; you couldn't have known." "No, I should have. I should have known." "I suppose it's too late to concern yourself with that. The mystic says she's fine, physically, only minor changes on the molecular level. It's remarkable, really, resurrection spells so rarely work, and considering the fact that this one was interrupted . . . amazing. At any rate, your main concern will be any psychological fallout," Wesley said. Giles nodded, his face grim. "And Giles," Wesley said, leaning forward. "Angel's been out of the country and I've been unable to contact him, but when he finds out . . ." "Yes, I understand. But can you ask that he call me first? To be certain she's all right before they see one another?" "Of course." They both looked up to see Buffy walking out of Giles' flat, Spike watching from behind her in the shadows. "Well," she said, sighing. "I'm back from the dead, my insides are working but my nails are *totally* shot, somebody *so* owes me a manicure, and, wow, Wesley, you've changed!" Wesley smiled wryly. "Anyway, I'm ready to get to work." Giles stared at her, watching her closely. Her eyes and her voice seemed empty in spite of her cheerful tone, he thought, and then wondered if that was simply his fear talking. "Are you certain? There's nothing wrong with taking some more time." "I'm certain. Back for a reason, right? Let's get on with the Slayage." *** "There's something you're not telling me." "You keep saying that. Stop saying that. I'm fine, look, see?" Buffy said, executing a perfect back flip. "You're sure everything is all right?" "And again with all the saying. I'm fine, Giles, I swear." He frowned at her but let it go. *** Giles sighed in exasperation and flung the mail on to the coffee table. "Buffy, you do realize this house is about to go into foreclosure?" "What? That can't be right! Is there anything you can do about it?" *** "Mr. Giles, I appreciate your coming, but I really should be meeting with Dawn's legal guardian . . . her sister, Buffy Summers, isn't that correct?" *** "Tired, Watcher?" Spike whispered against the bare skin of his shoulder. "Exhausted," Giles sighed, and closed his eyes as Spike ran his hands over his body. "Tense, too," Spike murmured, kneading at the knotted muscles of Giles' shoulders before rolling him over on his back. "Maybe I can help a little with that, love." His tongue trailed slowly down Giles' chest and belly and by the time Spike took him in his mouth he was already hard. "*Jesus*," he whispered, his hands in Spike's hair and hips already thrusting. "How do you always manage to do that to me?" Spike stopped for a moment and looked up at him. "Love you," he said, matter-of- factly and for the first time, before resuming his work with lips and tongue. *. . . this one does . . .* Giles blinked in surprise, feeling the weight lodged in his chest become even heavier, and then he closed his eyes and groaned. "Goddammit," he whispered. "Love you, too." *** "What is it, Tara?" Giles asked, watching her as she paced frantically back and forth in his living room. "It's . . . I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Giles, but it's Willow. The magick, it's, well, it's kind of getting out of hand. I'm worried about her." He sighed and closed his eyes. He'd assumed as much. "I'll talk to her, Tara." She smiled, tears in her eyes. "Thank you." *** "Buffy, I *know* there's something wrong," Giles said, plowing through her overdue bills with his own checkbook and a great deal of irritation. "Why won't you talk to me?" "Giles, please. I'm fine! Couldn't be any finer! Thanks for all this, by the way, I know I owe you . . . listen, could you pick up Dawn from school?" she said, and then swept out the front door. The pen in his fingers shattered. *** "Love you, God, love you so much, tell me, say it," Spike whispered, thrusting against him frantically. "Love you, love you, love you, God, yes," Giles murmured. *** "Willow . . ." "It's none of your damned business, Giles." *** "I know you've been spending a lot of time with Buffy. Has she said anything?" Spike was quiet for a long time, staring at the ceiling. "Yeah. But don't ask me what, I promised I wouldn't say anythin'." "Spike! If it's serious I need to know! I can't help her if I don't know!" "I know that, Watcher. I've tried to get her to talk to you." "Then why won't she?" Giles demanded, worried and hurt and confused. "I think she just ain't ready. Give her time." Giles buried his head in his hands, while Spike reached out and ran one hand soothingly up and down his back. *** "Buffy, about Halloween . . ." She frowned. "What about Halloween?" His jaw clenched. "Dawn." "Oh, yeah. Did you yell at her or ground her or something?" *** "Golden's gone, moved out." "What? Why?" "Red's gone all barmy with the magick, Tara thinks she's headed off the deep end." "Fuck," Giles muttered. *** "Giles, don't even start. I know what I'm doing and I don't need *you*, of all people, telling me what to do!" Willow yelled before storming out of Buffy's kitchen. *** "Giles, do you mind if I talk to you about this whole, you know, gettin' married thing?" He bit back a weary sigh. "Of course not, Xander." *** "Where have you been all day?" "Tara's." "How is she?" "Not good. Think she did the right thing, though, movin' out, don't you?" Spike said, grabbing Giles' glass of scotch out of his hand and downing it. "You'll get up and get me more of that," Giles ordered. "Right bossy, ain't we?" Spike said, arching an eyebrow but getting up anyway. "I do think Tara did the right thing, although this means we won't be seeing her as much now," Giles said, sighing with regret. "Well, now, Red won't be seein' her, but *we* will." "We will?" "I made puppy dog eyes and talked her into comin' around tonight and makin' dinner. That all right?" Giles sighed and sat back. "Sounds delightful, in fact." Spike grinned. "And maybe then, you know, we could get her . . ." he said, and jerked his head in the direction of the bedroom. Giles stared at him in shock. "You filthy-minded bastard! You'll do no such thing!" Spike snorted. "Course I won't. Got all I can handle with you, love," he said. Then he pointed at Giles accusingly. "But don't tell me you haven't at least wondered about it, you're a dirty old man, just like me." Giles flushed and Spike snickered and Giles was unable to look Tara in the eye for the greater part of the evening. *** The minute he had her alone he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. "*That's* what all this has been about, Buffy? You were in *heaven?*" "Yeah. At least, I think so. That's what it felt like, anyway." "For God's sake, why didn't you *tell* me?" She shrugged. "But you told Spike." She nodded and he turned away, hurt, and wondering how in the hell he was ever going to help her if she kept putting so much distance between them. "Giles, listen, Dawn's been . . ." He grabbed his coat and stormed out before she could finish. *** "*Fuck*, Watcher," Spike groaned as Giles thrust into him roughly and began fucking him frantically, hungry for him, needing him. "God, love you," Spike whispered. "Love you, too," Giles moaned against his neck, and he meant it, and he knew that it was going to make what he was about to do that much harder, but for now he pushed all that aside and lost himself inside the cool, safe haven that Spike had become. "Love you, too," he murmured again, his eyes closing at the rush of sensation. "More than anything." *** Part Five He told Buffy first, and was startled by the way she reacted, screaming and crying and asking over and over how he could do this to her. It baffled him, the way could she push him away with one hand and suddenly try to pull him close with the other. And just as suddenly he was angry, the pressure that had been building for months now exploding, and he told her she was a self-centered child and that she only wanted him there to do her dirty work, and she responded by accusing him of being just like her father and abandoning her, and they railed at one another for over half an hour before he finally held up his hands in surrender. "Buffy, please," he said. "Let's not do this, I'm sorry." "Stay," she demanded, tears streaming down her face. "No," he said, still convinced that he was doing the right thing despite the fact that breaking her heart was breaking his. She turned on her heel and started to leave. "Buffy, please, wait," he called. "I'm leaving in the morning." "So leave, then," she spat, stalking away. "Everyone else does. Dad did." He wiped his hand over his mouth. He was not Buffy's father, he told himself, and this was not the same thing. "I love you," he murmured, but he was speaking to an empty room. *** He sat in the courtyard outside his flat for half an hour, on the verge of simply running and hiding, getting a room for the night and leaving first thing the next morning, when the door opened and Spike stood there, staring at him. "You been sittin' there forever," he said, frowning. "What's goin' on? You comin' in or what?" Giles sighed and got to his feet, sliding past Spike through the doorway and moving to sit on the couch. "I know somethin's wrong," Spike said. "You gonna let me in on it?" Giles scrubbed at his face wearily. "Spike, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for England." "*What?* Kinda short notice, don't you think? When you comin' back?" Giles stared at his hands in silence. "Bloody hell. You ain't comin' back, are you." A statement, not a question, Spike's voice quiet but full of hurt and confusion. "No. I don't plan on returning, except perhaps to visit. And even then, it won't be for a very long time." "*Why?*" Giles sighed. "Buffy. All of them, really, but Buffy, mostly. She's become too dependent on me and I can't keep cleaning up the messes she and Dawn insist on making." "Watcher, you just bleedin' found out what she's been goin' through, and you decide to leave *now*? I never figured you to be that kind of utter prick," Spike muttered, disgust evident in his voice. Suddenly Giles was on his feet, shouting. "I don't give a bloody damn what she's been going through! She could have told me months ago, when I could have helped her, but she insisted on keeping it to herself, and whatever sort of trouble she gets into now is her own fault! Do you realize what I've had to put up with for the past six months? Cleaning up after her, paying her goddamned bills, chasing Dawn all over Sunnydale when she takes the whim to go truant, not to mention losing a girl as special as Willow to the magick and being completely helpless to do anything about, and God, Xander, that foolish, beautiful boy, with his utterly stupid plans to get married AND THERE'S NOT A GODDAMNED THING I CAN DO TO FIX ANY OF THAT! Do you hear me? I CAN'T FUCKING FIX IT! I love ALL of them but I can't fucking fix *any* of this! They've got to grow up, Spike, and they won't do it while I'm here, they'll just keep running to me and I'll just keep taking care of things and they'll never grow up and I'll never fucking SLEEP!" Spike stared at him through narrowed eyes. "So this is all about *you*, then," he said. "YES! It's about me wanting them safe and sound, all of them, and being utterly unable to make that happen, no matter what I do or say! They've *got* to do this alone, Spike, they're adults and it's goddamned time, and if I stay here I'll keep interfering and that cannot continue!" He collapsed suddenly on to the couch, rage gone and now, simply tired down to his very bones. "And what about me?" Spike asked quietly. "What about you?" Giles asked tiredly "You're not just leavin' them, you're leavin' me." "I realize that," Giles said softly. "You don't *care*?" "Of course I care. But it's time we end this." "Why?" "Because of what you are. Because of what I am." "We talkin' about your fuckin' *humanity* again?" Spike spat, voice brittle. Giles rubbed at his face. "Partially. You're immortal, I am not, how could this have been anything but temporary, especially as far as you're concerned? At best I've got 30 years, but considering the kind of life I lead I'll be lucky to make it into next week. Don't tell me you haven't thought of that." "No," Spike said, voice starting to shake. "All I've thought about is *you*." "Spike, please . . ." Giles whispered, exhausted and hurting and hating every fucking moment of this. "Please what? Say it's okay for you to fuckin' *leave* me, to leave us? You *said* that you loved me, more than once, and now I'm supposed to give you permission to leave, soothe your guilty fuckin' conscience? 'Cause I ain't doin' that, *Rupert*, you ain't leavin' for the greater good, for Buffy and the rest and for me, what you're doin' is fuckin' *runnin'*, things get too hot and you bloody well run, you goddamned coward!" "Call it whatever you like," Giles snapped. "But I'm still leaving in the morning." Spike stared at him for a long time, the whole of him trembling and eyes wide with hurt and a hint of hate, and then he slammed out of the flat. "I love you," Giles whispered, once again speaking to an empty room. *** * . . . "Why do you hate him so much?" "Because he *left* me." . . .* *** He lay awake and wide-eyed, restless and staring at the ceiling, having second thoughts and fighting in turn urges to seek out both Buffy and Spike, then remembering the insanity of the entire situation and his jaw would set and his resolve to leave would return, and when he heard the front door open quietly he tensed, waiting, unsure of what to expect. Suddenly Spike was beside the bed, silent, and after a long moment he began to strip slowly and Giles watched with bittersweet pleasure as he did so. "Spike," he whispered when Spike was finally nude, running his eyes over the length of Spike's taut body. "Shut up," Spike snarled and then flung himself at Giles hard, slamming him back into the mattress, pinning him down and kissing him brutally, a bruising attack of lips and teeth, and once again Giles felt his blood surge and his body scream and he responded in kind, biting and sucking at Spike's tongue and lips and leaving marks on his neck, grunting in frustration at his helplessness to do more with Spike keeping him pinned, then Spike slid astride his lap and he bucked up hard, gasping at the feel of Spike's cock against his, reveling in it, and he did it again and again, struggling all the while to free himself from Spike's iron grip, needing to touch him, run his hands and mouth over his body, and Spike groaned and lifted himself up, just out of reach of Giles' touch, pinning his wrists with his hands and his thighs with his knees. "You want me?" he growled, teasing him with a slight thrust of his hips. "Fuck, yes," Giles whispered, still struggling. "Then say it," Spike ordered, voice hard. "Fuckin' *say* it!" Giles' stared up at him, trying to read his eyes through the gloom. "I love you," he murmured. Spike leaned in for another bruising kiss before pulling away again and Giles nearly screamed in frustration. "Say it again." "I love you." "Again!" "I love you, love you, love you, *goddammit*, Spike, I . . ." Suddenly Spike was draped all over him, his touch now gentle and his mouth on Giles' soft, cool skin sliding like silk over hot, damp flesh, and he released Giles' hands and Giles groaned, one hand going to the back of Spike's head to pull him closer so that he could kiss him more deeply, tongue thrusting into his mouth, his other hand roaming over Spike's back and ass, pulling him tight and rubbing up against him with quick jerks of his hips, and Spike moaned and pulled away slightly. "I love you, too, Watcher," he whispered. "But I hate you even more for doin' this to me." "Spike . . ." "You'll fuckin' remember me," Spike murmured, licking his way down Giles'. "Always, Spike, I . . ." Giles stopped suddenly when he heard the soft grind of bone against bone as Spike changed, and he stiffened when he felt Spike's teeth tease his neck. "Well, Watcher?" Spike whispered and again Giles felt that scream, the rise in his blood, a dizzying sensation of desire, lust and something stronger, something ancient and darkly inviting, and he was overcome with the need for it, and he understood now why so many gave in to it, offered up their throats to the beautiful blackness. He closed his eyes. "Yes," he said, tilting his neck, wanting it more than he had ever wanted anything, the stupidity of the act no longer mattering, he just wanted it, had always wanted it, and now wanted it more than anything from Spike. "How do you know I won't turn you? Kill you?" Spike whispered, teeth starting to dig into the flesh in Giles' neck. "Because I trust you," Giles whispered. "And because I love you." Spike froze and Giles waited, running one hand slowly up and down the length of Spike's back. "Goddammit," Spike finally murmured brokenly. "Love you, too." Then he bit, sharp and hard and deep, and Giles gasped and his vision blurred and he arched high up off the bed, pleasure slamming through him beyond anything he'd ever felt before, and he came and was hard again at once, and he was dimly aware of Spike's wet noises of satisfaction against his neck, and the remainder of the night was spent in a blurry crimson haze of blood and come and tears and sweat, nightmares and begging and broken goodbyes. *** Giles sat on the edge of the bed, suit jacket draped over his arm, watching the clock, fingers at the wound in his neck. "It'll never heal," Spike said bitterly. "It'll be with you forever, *I'll* be with you forever, you'll never fuckin' forget me, you'll always remember." "I would have remembered anyway," Giles said softly. "Don't *do* this, Watcher, don't leave." Spike's voice was naked and desperate, and Giles refused to look at him, knowing that the expression on his face would be the same. So he dropped his head and stared at the floor, silent, and when the time came he got up, grabbed his bags, and left without another word. *** By the time he got to his flat in Bath he was exhausted, and he fell on to the sofa fully clothed, not even bothering to remove his tie, and again his fingers went to the mark on his neck, and as he fell into a troubled sleep he thought he could hear them, all of them: Anya, fighting back tears because she'd wanted him to walk her down the aisle; Xander, disappointed and frightened; Willow silent and resentful; Dawn, arms crossed and glaring before running to hide in her room; Tara, tears streaming down her face but smiling, whispering in his ear when she'd hugged him goodbye that she thought he was doing the right thing; and Buffy, oh, God, Buffy, calling for him in her sleep; and Spike, somewhere in the dark, slumped on his knees and weeping. The mark on his neck throbbed, reminding him of all that he'd left behind. *** After one bad night he was surprised to find he was sleeping rather well, and at the end of two weeks he felt better than he had in months, despite the resounding silence of the telephone. He started getting out and about, meeting up with old friends and occasionally and grudgingly doing various types of work for the Council, and it wasn't long until Olivia showed up on his doorstep with a bottle of wine. He smiled and invited her in. *** "This," she said as they lay in bed, her fingers brushing against the mark on his neck. He flinched and gently pulled her hand away. "Vampire?" He bit back a sigh and then smiled slightly. "Yes. How did you know?" "Well, Rupert, I've learned quite a lot in our time together." She touched it again and he winced. "It still hurts?" He stared at the ceiling. "Yes." "Did you kill it? The vampire?" *'It.'* He pushed away the irrational anger that the word called forth, knowing full well that she didn't understand, and rolled on to his side away from her. "It felt as if I did," he murmured under his breath. After she'd touched it one too many times, either by accident or out of curiosity, he'd asked her as politely as he could to leave. *** "Giles? Hope I'm not waking you up, you know how horrible I am with math, are you in the future or the past?" "What?" he mumbled, fumbling for the lamp on the night stand. "Buffy?" "You've forgotten me already?" "No, of course not, it's just that . . ." "Dammit! You were asleep, weren't you? Stupid time zones!" He found himself laughing. "How are you, my dear? Is everything all right? I tried to call on your birthday but the phones . . ." She sighed. "Long story. *Really* long story. And things are okay, I guess. Weird without you around, but . . . Giles, listen. I'm sorry about the way I acted, about not saying goodbye. And about all those things I said, you know I didn't really mean any of that, right?" "I know," he said softly. "I've missed you terribly." "Me, too," she sighed. "Missed you, I mean. And I'm not begging you to come back and pay the mortgage or let me send Dawn over there to you, but it really sucks ass with you being gone. That's a compliment, by the way, the sucking ass thing, though now that I've said it I really wish I hadn't." "Well, thank you, I suppose," he said, grinning. "What's been happening?" "Tons. Hey, guess what! I was invisible!" "*What?*" *** The next night the phone rang again, at a more reasonable hour. "Mr. Giles?" "Tara," he said, smiling broadly. "Yeah," she said, and he imagined her smiling and blushing and ducking her head, then remembered what a different person she'd been when she'd been alone with him and Spike, confident, giving as good as she got with Spike, and something about her presence lighting up the room and lending it a sense of peace at the same time. Spike had marveled at her, gone on and on about her, drawn to her light and Giles could tell that he was grateful that she welcomed him into it, embraced him with it, in spite of who he was. Or maybe, Giles thought, *because* of who he was. "I'm not bothering you, am I?" she asked. "No, of course not. How are you?" "Actually, really good. School's good, and Willow's even better," she said proudly. "Yes, Buffy said she's doing well with the magick." "Oh, she really, really is! You'd be proud, Mr. Giles." "I already am," he said. "Oh, good," she said, sounding relieved. "Because she really wants to talk to you but she's, you know, afraid that you might still be mad?" "Of course not. Have her call me, please." "I will," she said and he could hear the smile in her voice. "How's England?" He peered out the window. "Rather dreary at the moment." "I've always wanted to visit England," she said softly and he grinned. "Yes, I've gotten that impression," he said and he was certain she blushed this time. "Perhaps someday?" "Maybe," she said, and something in her tone made him frown but she hurried on, making him laugh with stories about Dawn and Willow, Xander and Anya, her description of Buffy's Doublemeat Palace uniform making him bite his lip hard to keep from howling. "You know I'm not making fun of *Buffy*, Mr. Giles, right? Because I love her, you know? We've really gotten kind of close lately. But that hat . . . it's just . . . Mr. Giles, there's something really, really wrong there." Again he put his hand over his mouth to keep from giggling, and when he'd recovered enough to speak, he finally worked up the nerve to ask about Spike. "Oh, uh, well, he could be better. I know he'll be fine eventually." "But he's not fine now." "Well . . . did you think he would be?" she asked, no hint of accusation, just truth. "I suppose not," he sighed. "I still think you did the right thing. Great things can come from great pain, it's just the in-between part that's hard." He sat in silence for a moment. "Tara, you're a very wise young woman. Thank you." "No, Mr. Giles, thank *you*. Listen, I, uh . . . I know this might sound really weird, I haven't known you very long, but the reason that I called, besides, you know, all the catching up was to . . . well, to tell you that I love you." His eyes widened in surprise. "Mr. Giles? I'm sorry, it *is* weird, I shouldn't have said . . ." "No! No, no, no, hush, Tara, that's lovely. I love you, as well, and you've done so much for all of us, and especially for Spike, you're family." He could tell that she was crying now. "Tara, are you all right?" he asked softly. "Yes," she said, and he could hear the tears and the smile in her voice. "I'm very all right. But I guess I should go, Dawn's been giving me dirty looks, I think she wants to use the phone." He smiled. "All right, then. Take care." "Goodbye, Mr. Giles." That night he dreamed of a brilliant red rose blooming on a young girl's blouse. *** The next day he was going through his personal library, having been recruited by the Council to teach a course at the Academy, when the throbbing in the mark on his neck sharpened, and there was pain, suddenly, searing, slicing through his entire being and knocking him to his knees, and his vision blurred and he doubled over as it felt as if his insides were being ripped out, and then he was slammed by a wave of gold green light followed by a sickening shimmer of red blood haze, and he fell on all fours gasping. "Oh, God," he whispered. "Tara." *** He called first, half a dozen times and getting no answer, so he started packing frantically, phone cradled between ear and shoulder as he argued with the person on the other end of the line about getting an immediate flight to the states, and when he finally had the flight booked he hung up and grabbed what he could and started to run out the door when the phone rang. He picked it up in dread. "Rupert." "Tessa? What . . ." "You must get back to Sunnydale, something is happening." "I know, Tara, do you know . . ." "I'm sorry, Rupert. She's dead." He exhaled heavily and bent forward, fighting off a wave of nausea. "How?" "We've no time for the details, Rupert. The other, Willow, she is grieving." "Of course she is, they were . . ." "Rupert, she's calling for vengeance. Dark magicks of all sorts are making their way to her, inside her, and her power is such that she will kill, she is on the verge of doing such as we speak, and once she starts there may be no bringing her back. She'll fall and take the world with her." "Jesus Christ," he whispered. "I've got a flight booked . . ." "No time. Besides, we need to give you something before you go. Meet us as soon as possible." She hung up. He stared at the phone for a long time, too long, he thought, when he finally shook off his daze, and then he ran like hell. *** He and Buffy and Anya eyed Willow warily as she hovered, bound and snarling and full of rage, in the center of the Magic Box. "Buffy, that should hold her for a while," he said softly, arms still tight around both her and Anya, his eyes on Willow, shocked in spite of all the coven's warnings at what he would see when he finally got there. "We should talk." He felt her shoulders heave as she sighed heavily. "Yeah, we should. You sure she's okay like that?" "Yes," he said, not sure at all. "Come along." *** " . . . and besides all that," she said, pacing. "I was, uh . . . shit, Giles, I don't know how to say it except to say it Ð I was sleeping with Spike." He leaned back heavily against the wall, one hand over his eyes, dumbfounded, and utterly unsure how he felt about that. "Listen, Giles, I wouldn't have . . . I didn't *know* about the two of you." He looked at her in shock. "How did you find out?" "Well, that's kind of what's got me worried, see, I broke it off a while ago and for a while he seemed fine, you know, fine for Spike, anyway, but then I started catching him out at night, raging and wild and kind of scary, actually, even to me, and it was like he was hunting, demon, human, it didn't seem to matter . . ." "Human? What about the chip?" "Well, when he was making any sense at all, he said that sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't." "Did he *kill* anyone?" "Not that he remembered, and not that we could find, but something seriously weird is going on with him." "Bloody hell," Giles said wearily. "Where is he?" "That's the other thing. Giles, he was there, at the house, when Tara was killed." "*What*?" And then he remembered the pain, slicing through him like a blade. "We didn't find out until later, until Willow went all uberwicca and Xander and I went back to the house and he was in their room, he had her in his arms and was rocking her back and forth and mumbling, he kept saying 'golden' over and over and then . . ." She sighed and took a deep breath. "Then he threw me up against the wall and started yelling at me to 'get the Watcher, I need the Watcher' and that this was all my fault. And so, you know, then I finally started getting a clue. About him and you." She looked at him. "You should have told me." He stared at her. "And what would you have said?" "That you were a gigantic idiot. But that was before . . . something was changing about him before he went all caveman, even after I broke it off it was like . . . like he was becoming more human, somehow. And he was spending so much time with Tara . . ." "Why was he there? With her and Willow?" "Well, Dawn, you know, eavesdropper that she is, said that he'd come to see if Tara could help him find out why he'd done what he did to m-. . ." She stopped suddenly and dropped her eyes. "To find out why he'd been doing the things he'd been doing. And then, well, Warren . . ." "And now?" "He's gone. But after we take care of Willow, *if* we take care of Willow, we really need to find him. He's dangerous, whether he means to be or not." Giles slouched and scrubbed at his face. She sighed and moved to stand beside him. "Do you hate me?" "Hate you? What on earth for?" "Well, for, you know, Spike." He covered his mouth to hide a small smile. "Would you hate me if I told you I slept with Angel?" Her eyes widened. "*WHAT?* Dammit, Giles, that'd better be a joke or I swear to God I'll kill you . . ." Her manner changed suddenly. "But, see, *you* are a much more mature person than I am, a man who forgives easily and who would *never* hate his Slayer no matter how much she screwed up." She looked up at him pleadingly. "Right?" "Right," he said, pulling her into his arms and smiling into her hair. "Thank God," she said, sighing. Then she looked up at him. "You . . .*were* kidding about Angel, right?" He started laughing. *** He and Anya waited outside the Magic Box, Anya going on and on about how glad she was that he wasn't dead, that she wasn't dead, but that, and it might be wrong, she was plenty glad Warren was dead, and he sighed and smiled and rolled his eyes and clung to her tightly. Buffy and Dawn arrived first, both of them wrapping their arms around he and Anya, and then Willow and Xander staggered into view, Willow still weeping, and all four of them moved to hold her, trying to reassure her by touch and soft words that they still loved her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry . . ." she kept saying, and Buffy stroked her hair and Dawn held her tightly and Giles stepped away and hauled Xander into his arms. "You're a wonderful, strong young man, Xander, I'm quite proud of you, you know, I haven't told you that nearly enough," Giles murmured and Xander stiffened, resisting it for a moment before wrapping his arms around Giles and crying silently. Giles held him for a long time, running one hand soothingly up and down his back, and then he stepped away. "Willow?" he said, holding out his hand, and she took it, stepping close to him and burying her face in his chest. "Come back soon, Will," Buffy said. Willow looked up at Giles. "I don't if I can," she whispered brokenly. "You can and you will," he said firmly as the world began to tilt and they closed their eyes against the sensation of it and when it stopped they opened their eyes to find themselves in a meadow. Willow fell to her knees, retching, and Giles knelt beside her, sweeping back her hair and running a hand over her shoulders until she stopped finally, shuddering. "I'm going to die," she whispered. "No," he said. "I'm afraid you won't get out of this one so easily. You'll have to go on living like the rest of us." "I can't." "You can," he whispered and brought her to her feet, hugging her one last time before handing her over to Tessa, who had appeared as if out of nowhere to stand beside them. "I love you, Willow," he said. "And I'll see you soon." She nodded, eyes still somewhat vacant, and began following Tessa through the green grass of the meadow. He sighed, relieved but also worried, Tessa had told him they wouldn't know until after spending a great deal of time with Willow whether they would be able to bring her back from the darkness. Out of habit his fingers went to the mark on his neck, and suddenly there was pain again, different this time, white hot and shot through with joy and misery and confusion, and when he opened his eyes and caught his breath, he looked to see Tessa staring down at him. "The vampire," she said, eyes black. "Something has happened." "What? What's happened?" he whispered weakly. "You must find him," she said. "Before the Other gets him, takes him completely. Prepare yourself, Rupert, there are many things coming and much to be done." "I . . . I've no idea where to look, Tessa, can you help me?" he asked. "He'll go home," she said. "To the place where he least needs to be." Then she was gone. *** "Sorry, Giles, but Clem says he's skipped town," Buffy said. "Anya's tried all her demon contacts but we can't find anything." He sighed. "All right, then. Keep me informed." "We will. How's Willow?" He smiled at that; good news on one front, at least. "Much improved. I hope to send her home soon." "Oh, good! Tell her we're waiting and we miss her." *** "I'm scared, Giles," Willow said. "I know. But you'll be fine, they're waiting for you." "Waiting to kill me," she mumbled. "Of course not, don't be absurd," he said, hugging her briefly. "Go on, now. I'll be there soon." She looked at him and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Giles." *** The phone rang and he answered. "Yes?" "Giles?" He frowned. "Pryce?" "Something's happened at the Council." *** Again he found himself packing frantically when the phone rang again. "Giles, it's me." "Buffy, I'm in a tremendous hurry, something's happening . . ." "Tell me about it Ð look we've found Spike." He sagged in relief. "Thank God. Is he all right?" "No, not really, he's kind of . . . crazy acting." He frowned. "Where is he?" "He's been hiding in the basement of the new high school." "On top of the bloody Hellmouth?" he shouted. "Yep," she sighed. "Well, get him out of there, to your house, chain him up if you have to; I've got other things to worry about right now but I hope to be there in about a week, maybe more." She sighed again. "We'll be here. Hopefully." *** Giles stared unseeing at the Potentials gathered in the kitchen, and Xander took in his clenched jaw and hard eyes and cursed under his breath. "She didn't tell you, did she?" he asked. "No, she bloody well didn't," Giles muttered. "Shit! Listen, Giles, there's a lot goin' on now, and we think it may have started back then, before Willow went all veiny on us, I don't think that you should do anything or say anything until you talk to Buffy about this and *why* am I talking to an empty chair?" Xander said, cringing as the door to the basement slammed. *** "Well, well. Look who's here. Long time, no see, Rupert." Giles stood in front of Spike where he was shackled to the wall in Buffy's basement. "You *hurt* her," he growled, face and eyes hard, fists clenching. Spike looked away, staring at the floor. "Yeah. I did. I . . ." Suddenly Giles was atop him, hitting him, punching him hard in the face again and again. "I'll kill you, I'll fucking *kill* you, you son of a bitch, don't you *ever* fucking touch her again . . ." "Giles! Giles, stop it!" Buffy hauled him away from Spike and flung him against the wall. "God, Spike, are you all right?" she asked, kneeling in front of him. He sighed, wiping away the blood streaming from his nose. He cast a tired glance at Giles, and through the red haze of fury Giles was startled to realize that something was different, his eyes were different. "No," Spike mumbled. "I'm not all right. Never have been, have I? Quite the reunion, Watcher, lovely to see you again, pet." Buffy whirled on Giles. "Upstairs, now. We've got to talk." *** "Why didn't you tell me about this before? When you told me you were sleeping with him?" "Because I knew you'd go all crazy vengeful commando Rambo Watcher father guy, like you did just now! How did you find out, anyway?" "Xander." She sighed. "Giles, it's not as cut and dried as Xander might have made it seem." "Buffy, you can't possibly be justifying what he did to you," Giles said wearily. "Of course I'm not," she said, pacing. "But there were . . . things going on, it was all, you know . . . twisted, really twisted, I was nuts from the whole Lazarus thing and he was all crazy because you left and then I was *using* him, Giles, something I am *not* proud of, and then I dumped him, and then when Tara died Ð Giles, I had no idea how close they were, I mean, I knew that they spent a lot of time together but he really loved her, she was his only friend in the world, *literally*. And I think that even then the First was messing with him, he barely even remembers how he got to my house that night, much less what happened after he got there. And all that, you, me, Tara Ð I think that's what the whole soul thing was about." Giles looked at her sharply. "What 'soul thing?'" She sat down beside him on the bed. "He's gotten his soul back," she said softly. Giles stared at her, remembering the pain he'd felt, the difference he'd seen in Spike's eyes. "*What?* How on earth . . ." "I'm not sure exactly. Something about going through some demon trials." "Bloody hell," Giles sighed, burying his face in his hands. Buffy put her hand on his shoulder. "You never really told me before, why you didn't say anything. About the two of you." "For God's sake, Buffy, he's a *vampire*. Not exactly the ideal candidate for a healthy relationship. At least, that's what I thought at the time." "Well, you don't have to tell *me* that. You were ashamed?" He sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "A little, yes. And confused." "Well, it's not like I wouldn't have understood, Giles, I haven't exactly been the poster girl for not having relationships with vampires, I mean, first Angel and then Spike and . . ." She paused, eyes widening. " *OH MY GOD, GILES, WE'VE SLEPT WITH THE SAME VAMPIRE!*" she ended with a shriek, shoving him away and leaping off the bed. "*EWWW!*" He rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell, Buffy, that's just *now* occurring to you? And that's vampires, plural, don't you forget about Angel and me!" he said, pointing a finger at her. She stared at him in shock, and then she started laughing, and once she started she couldn't stop, and soon he was laughing, too, and she sat back down on the bed and wrapped her arms around him and they laughed and rocked back and forth, wiping away tears. "Oh, God," she said finally, breathless. "Seriously, quit it about Angel, not funny, I've got enough to worry about." "Fine, I'll quit bringing up my torrid affair with Angel," he said quite seriously. She poked him hard and he grumbled and she settled back in his arms. "Could our lives possibly get any weirder?" "I believe they most certainly will," he whispered into her hair, smiling. She looked up at him. "He's different, now. I mean, he was always different, the way he, you know, just *felt* things so deeply, but now, with the soul . . ." "Do you love him?" he asked, not jealous, but curious. She thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess, in a way. He's one of us, now. But I think the more important question is, do you? Love him? Because I think that's what really matters to him, how *you* feel." He stared at his hands and didn't answer. *** "Why're you doin' this?" Spike muttered, pulling away from Giles' touch. "Why aren't you poundin' the shit outta me?" "Because," Giles said, again grabbing gently at Spike's jaw. "Buffy believes there was more going on. And she forgives you. And if she forgives you, then I suppose I must as well." "May be just that I'm fuckin' evil, you know." "Don't be ridiculous. I'm sorry about earlier," Giles said quietly, wiping gently at Spike's face with a wet washcloth. "It's just that I love her so much and the thought of anyone hurting her . . ." Spike shrugged. "I deserved it. Still do. Like I said, don't understand why you aren't finishin' what you started." Giles sat back and regarded Spike closely. "You're tired." "Understatement of the fuckin' year. Haven't slept right since you left." Giles winced. "And you're hurting. And it's more than just what happened with Buffy and Tara, isn't it? More than what I did. It's your soul." Spike looked away, silent. "It's tearing you apart." Spike closed his eyes and Giles watched as he started to cry silently. "Great things can come from great pain," Giles murmured and Spike looked at him sharply. "That's what Golden kept tellin' me," he mumbled. "She told me the same thing." Spike sighed. "What do you want, Watcher? I ain't got much left to give." "I want you to shut up and get some rest." "Can't, not by myself . . ." "Ask me to stay." Spike stared at him, eyes hard. "I will *never* ask you that again. Never." "And if I stay anyway?" Spike sighed and laid down on his side, facing the wall. "Then maybe I'll sleep. Maybe, so much in my head, Jesus . . ." Giles stood and stripped off his coat and climbed on to the cot which was almost too narrow for the both of them, and wrapped himself around Spike as tightly as he could, doing his best to avoid the chains and burying his face in Spike's neck. Spike shuddered. "Cold," he mumbled. "I know, I can feel it," Giles murmured, running one hand up and down Spike's arm. "Do you want me to say it?" "I'll never ask for that again, either." "And if I say it anyway?" Giles whispered against the skin of his neck. "Then," Spike sighed, "Maybe I can sleep . . ." "Love you," Giles whispered and suddenly Spike relaxed, almost melting into him, and Giles watched for a long time as he slept. *** Part Six *** "Giles," she whispered, eyes wide and face drawn from lack of sleep. "I don't think I can do this, I can't . . ." He bent down and grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him. "You *can*, Buffy, I know that you can." "How?" she said, starting to cry. "How can you know?" "Because I know *you*." She threw herself into his arms and wept. *** "How's it goin' up there?" Spike asked, passing the bottle of scotch back to Giles. Giles took a long swig and passed it back, sighing. "Not well. Buffy's terrified and the girls are completely demoralized and we still have no idea what we're dealing with. I've no absolutely no clue as to what . . ." He stopped suddenly at the sound of glass shattering and looked to see Spike writhing on the floor, hands to his head. "Goddammit," he muttered, sinking to his knees and trying to hold Spike steady until it passed. "*Fuck all*, Watcher," Spike bit out, burying his head in Giles' lap. "Can't take much more of this . . ." Giles' hand moved to the back of Spike's neck, kneading lightly, and Spike groaned. "We'll think of something," he whispered, hoping that it was true. *** "Oh! Riley!" Buffy said, snapping her fingers and pointing at Giles as the idea occurred to her. "Riley?" Giles asked. "Are you serious?" "Yeah," she said, pacing the length of the basement, thinking. "Soldier boy? Yippee," Spike muttered, rolling his eyes. "Last time he was here, he gave me a number; maybe I can contact him, see if he can do anything," she said, glaring at Spike. "But would he, pet, even if he could?" Spike asked. "The bastard hates me." "I don't know," she said, frowning. "Even though he *does* kinda owe me after showing up here with super-wife . . . Never mind. It's our only shot as far as I can tell. Giles?" "Contact him, if you can." *** Giles cell rang. "Yes?" "Giles, Riley sent a team here, to the Initiative Ð we can either fix the chip or . . ." "Or what, Buffy?" "Or take it out," she said quietly. He sighed heavily, thinking. "Giles?" He sighed again, hoping he wasn't making a tremendous mistake. "Take it out." "I was hoping you'd say that." *** "*Assface?*" "Yep. Assface." "*Assface?* I always did like Riley," Giles said, turning away from Spike to hide a grin. Buffy didn't bother to hide her amusement. "Yep. Assface. Guess that's Riley's code name for him, like Eagle One or Captain Peroxide," she said, smirking at Spike, a gleam in her eye. "Or, maybe it's a pet name? Like sweetie or schnookums?" Giles snickered and Spike cursed. "Oh, very fuckin' funny, gang up on the vampire that's just had his head cut open! Bastards! No offense, Slayer." "Plenty taken," she said, still grinning. "Oh, yes, that's right, your head," Giles said. "Did you see anything in there, Buffy?" "In his head? Nope. Just a black, howling void. Echoed a lot." "BLOODY HELL!" Spike bellowed as Giles and Buffy fell all over each other laughing. "And speaking of peroxide, *love*, I seem to have run out, do you mind if I borrow *yours?* Oh, wait, my mistake, *you* seem to have run out as well." "*WHAT?*" Buffy gasped, hands going to her hair. "Oh, my God! Giles, I haven't had my hair done in *weeks*, are my *roots* showing?" "You look lovely as ever," Giles said, skirting the question as well as he could. "Carpets don't match the drapes, you know," Spike said, smirking. Buffy gasped in outrage and Giles pointed at Spike warningly. "Watch it. A little respect. Besides, I'd already assumed as much." Again Buffy gasped and glared at Giles. "You've been assuming about my *carpets* and my *drapes?*" she bit out through clenched teeth. "You guys are totally disgusting!" "Of course I haven't, Buffy," Giles said, trying not to laugh, a task made that much more difficult because Spike was now giggling insanely. "I just meant that I knew you colored your hair, and it just stands to reason that your-" "STOP IT! Ugh! Spike's been a bad influence on you, I forbid you to see each other anymore!" "GIMME A DRINK!" Spike shouted. "God, *I* could sure use one now. You guys are just gross, it's like you're twelve or something," Buffy grumbled. Giles sighed and wiped away tears and moved to sit beside Spike on the cot, Buffy sitting on the other side and burrowing underneath it for Spike's stash of whiskey. "Seriously, Spike, how do you feel?" Giles asked, leaning back against the wall. "Awful. On my deathbed. Die any minute now," Spike mumbled, pouting. "Drama queen." "Prat." "Bastard." "Prick." "Jeez, you guys do this a lot?" Buffy asked, swigging Spike's whiskey. "Where's all the love and support and crap?" "It's . . . a unique state of affairs, Buffy," Giles said, grabbing the bottle out of her hand and taking a long drink himself. "No kiddin'," she said, rolling her eyes and leaning back. "Am *I* gonna get a bit of that?" Spike grumbled. "It *is* mine, after all, I stole it myself." Giles rolled his eyes and shoved the bottle into Spike's hand. "Spike, you do realize that we're going to have to keep you chained now, at least until we understand the trigger, disable it." "Yeah, right," Spike sneered at him, squirming against the shackles suggestively. "You just like the idea of havin' me all tied up, my pretty self helpless against your big, strong-" "And, whoa, here's where I leave," Buffy said, getting up quickly and hurrying up the stairs. "Goodnight, you perverts, with your stupid bondage and . . . stupid carpets and drapes!" she yelled over her shoulder before slamming the basement door shut. "That was just lovely, Spike," Giles grumbled, casting his gaze toward heaven. "I don't get it," Spike said, staring up the stairs after Buffy. "And you're not going to, either, not after that little stunt," Giles muttered, grabbing the bottle out of Spike's hand and taking a drink. "Shut up, ponce. I mean Buffy. She's helped me, time after time, and after what I did, after *everything* I've done . . . why?" "That's just the kind of girl she is. Or, woman, I suppose I should be saying now," Giles said thoughtfully. "She believes in you." Spike stared at him. "And you. Why'd you do this, the chip thing, when you know I could still go off, lose it and hurt someone?" "Because," Giles said quietly. "I believe in you, as well. And I love you." "You keep sayin' that, I'm gonna start to believe it," Spike murmured, the expression on his face softening. "Why?" "Why? Damned if I know." Spike scowled and turned away. Giles smiled. "Why? Because you're soft. Soft places, inside and out, your body and your eyes and your mouth. Because you're infuriating, because you're loud, because you never let me forget I'm alive, which I'm prone to do. Because you know Shakespeare and Thomas Wolfe and Blind Faith and Bruce Springsteen. Because you frighten me, because you surrender yourself so completely, because you're beautiful. Because you've fought, against all the odds, to keep your humanity. Because you're capable of loving for eternity, literally, because I know now that hundreds of years from this day you'll remember me, remember everything about me, giving me my own sort of immortality. Because you know me like no one else has, does or ever will. Because you touch me when it's right and touch me when it's wrong. Because you've saved my life, saved the lives of the people I love. Because, after Buffy died, you carried her when I could not. Because of the way you look when you're with Dawn, because you gave Tara flowers. Because you forced me to sleep in that filthy coat for two weeks. Because you need me, because I want you, because you're mine." Spike stared at him, eyes wide. "Jesus Christ, Watcher," he whispered. "Well, you did ask," Giles said, watching his face closely. "Please . . ." Spike whispered, straining against the chains. "Yes," Giles murmured, leaning in to kiss him. "Always yes." *** "Giles," Buffy said, as she slid on to the stool next to him at the counter in the kitchen. "Why is Spike's cot broken? *Again?*" "I've no idea," he said nonchalantly while reaching under the counter to pinch her hard on the thigh. "A nightmare, perhaps? Lots of flailing, writhing, grunting, groaning, sweating, that sort of thing?" "Vampires don't sweat," she said, popping a grape into her mouth and then pinching him back even harder. He didn't flinch. "Oh, right, sorry, the sweating part, that was me," he said, and she shrieked in faux disgust and leapt off of the barstool. He grinned and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close. "In this time of utter misery and chaos, the only bit of fun you're having is teasing me about Spike, isn't it?" he whispered. "Well, yeah," she said, one hand over her mouth to cover a grin. "So keep on givin' me stuff to tease with." "Right then," he said, standing. "You know I'll do whatever I can to make you happy. Perhaps right now? You could come along if you'd like, watch or, join in, maybe?" he said, jerking his head in the direction of the basement door. She shrieked again and ran like hell. *** "Buffy, what's your opinion of Robin Wood?" Giles asked as they strolled slowly through the darkness under the pretense of patrolling, but in reality escaping the overwhelming presence of too many girls in a house that was becoming entirely too small. "Well, he's hot," she said, grinning when Giles sighed in exasperation. "He's one of the good guys, a fighter. Dusts vamps like a champ." "Do you trust him?" "Well, yeah, I guess. Why?" "He came to me with an idea about disabling Spike's trigger," Giles said. "He wouldn't give me the details, however." "Really?" Buffy frowned. "No details? That's weird." "Do you know anything else about him?" "His mother was a Slayer, she was killed by a vampire when he was little." Giles stopped in his tracks. "His *mother?*" He paused, thinking quickly. "Buffy, I know of only one Slayer in recent memory who had a child, Nicki Wood." She stared at him. "New York?" "Yes," Giles muttered, rubbing at his forehead. "Oh, shit!" she hissed. "Run," he ordered, and she did, and he followed as quickly as he could. *** When Giles arrived Buffy was fussing over Spike, who was bruised and bloodied, while Wood stood in the corner, bruised and bloodied himself and staring fixedly at Spike, his eyes full of hate. He didn't remember moving, didn't remember much really, except slamming Wood up against the wall and pounding his fist into his face, over and over again, until Spike pulled him away. "Enough, Watcher," Spike said. "He's had his fill for one night." "What in the hell happened here?" Giles shouted. Spike sighed. "He set off the trigger, set *me* off, and then he tried to kill me," he said tiredly, shrugging into his duster which had been lying on the desk next to the computer. "Bloody hell," Giles spat. "It's still working then? The trigger?" "No," Spike said, running his hands over his hair. "The fine principal actually did me a bit of a favor." He clicked the mouse and the song began to play and he stood there for a while with his head hanging, listening, before looking up at Giles and Buffy who were watching him closely. He held his hands out wide. "Nothin'," he said, and started to leave. "Wait, Spike . . ." "No, Watcher. You and the Slayer have a little conversation with Mr. Wood. I can't and I won't apologize for what I did to him, because it will never be enough, for me or for him, but with everything that's comin', we're gonna need him on our side. He's a fighter, he's strong. He's a fuckin' *bastard*, but we need him," Spike said and disappeared out into the night. Giles and Buffy turned to Robin, looked at one another and sighed, and then helped him into his house, cleaned him up and bandaged him, and talked to him for the greater part of the night. *** "How's Wood?" "In a great deal of pain," Giles said with the barest hint of satisfaction. "Well, good, but I meant is he on board? Do you trust him, Watcher?" He looked at Spike. "Yes. I do. And I think that you can as well, now." "Good enough for me." *** "Xander, oh, God, Giles, I really fucked this up," Buffy whispered, fighting back tears. "Buffy, it was a mistake, yes, but mistakes are made in battle. Xander won't blame you for what happened to him, you know that, that's not the kind of man that he is. But he *will* be hurt and angry if you keep avoiding him. He needs you, now more than ever, *go* to him." She was silent for a moment, arms wrapped around herself tightly as she stared at the floor, then she nodded and left without another word. *** "Good work, Dawn," Giles said, handing the picture and magnifying glass back to her and getting up to grab his jacket. She beamed and he ruffled her hair and then she scowled, so he did it again. She scowled even harder so he did it once more and she moved to attack him and he leapt away, smiling at her. "Whatever, Giles!" she said, slouching down in her chair and pouting. "Really, Dawn, excellent work." "Whatever," she said, her pout lessening a bit. "Please continue the research. Spike?" "What?" Spike said, looking up from the book he was reading. "We're leaving." "Thank God!" *** "Oh, for God's sake, Spike, this will take forever on your little *scooter*," Giles sneered. "IT'S NOT A BLOODY SCOOTER, YOU BASTARD!" "Moped, then." "It's not a fucking Moped, either!" "Vespa?" "SHUT UP!" "Turn here, I have a better idea." Spike scowled but turned anyway. *** "You know something big is coming when some fool leaves these things lying about for the taking. Harley-Davidson FLST Fat Boy," Giles said. "Engine, rigid mount, 1450cc Twin Cam 88B. Fast, hard, loud. A lot like you, actually. And much better than your little *scooter*." "SHUT UP ABOUT THE FUCKIN' SCOOTER! I MEAN, IT'S *NOT* A SCOOTER! GOD, I HATE YOU! And I'm drivin'," Spike said, leaping atop the Harley. "You bloody well are not!" Giles shouted, shoving Spike backward and sliding astride the bike. They struggled with each other for a while, cursing and calling each other names and deliberately groping one another before Giles managed to get the bike started, revving the engine loudly, and then he roared out of parking lot of the Harley dealership, Spike hanging onto him for his dear, undead life. *** It was impossible to speak over the roar of the engine and the wind, so Spike wrapped himself around Giles tightly and buried his face between Giles' shoulders, closing his eyes and taking in the scent of him, the myriad smells on the night air, the hard vibration of the bike underneath him. Spike sighed and let his hands roam, sliding them underneath Giles' shirt and across his chest, fingernails scraping roughly against nipples. He smiled to himself, his eyes still closed, as he felt Giles' skin warm under his touch, and his hand moved lower, cupping Giles' crotch, stroking him through his jeans, and he smiled again when he found him already hard, and he moved up on the seat so that he was touching every inch of Giles that he could reach, still stroking him and thrusting up against him with his hard-on. He grinned when he heard a muffled curse, and then they were swerving into a roadside rest stop. "We don't have time for this, you stupid bastard!" Giles bellowed, switching off the bike and hauling Spike off of it and tossing him to the ground, his actions belying his words. Spike grinned up at him, toeing off his boots and then working on his belt and jeans. "Won't take long," he said, leering as Giles rolled his eyes and began unfastening his jeans. Spike lifted up his hips and squirmed out of his jeans and then Giles was between his thighs. "Legs up, boy," Giles ordered, eyes hard. "Quit callin' me that, *old man*," Spike whispered, smirking, but hiking his legs up high against Giles' shoulders. "I'll show you 'old man,'" Giles whispered, thrusting into him slowly, and Spike closed his eyes and groaned. "*Fuck*," Spike moaned. "Faster." "No," Giles said, breathless, torturing Spike and himself with slow, deep slides of his cock. "Please," Spike said, stroking himself. "God, faster, harder, Watcher." "*No*!" "Fuck, thought you were in a bleedin' hurry!" Spike growled, rocking his hips and clenching down tight around him. Giles gasped. "*Jesus!*" he hissed. "Fuck me, Watcher, harder, faster, NOW!" Spike demanded, scratching and clawing at Giles' back and shoulders. "Not unless you say it," Giles groaned, straining now to hold himself back. Spike smiled and looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "Love you,' he whispered and then his head fell back and his eyes closed as Giles began ramming into him with hard, deep thrusts. "God, yes, Jesus fuckin' Christ, *yes* . . ." "Love you," Giles panted, now fucking him frantically. "Oh, God, Spike . . ." "Never enough, Watcher, can never get enough . . ." "No, never . . ." *** "See? Told you that wouldn't take long," Spike said, two hours later. "Can I drive now, you ponce?" "Please do, you bastard. I'm exhausted," Giles sighed. And so Spike drove the next leg of the trip until they were forced to make another stop due to Giles' wandering hands. *** Spike screeched to a stop in front of Buffy's house and leapt off the bike. "Y'know, we make it outta this, we're keepin' that thing," he said, lighting a cigarette. "Damn right we are," Giles said, wincing and walking rather gingerly. "I told you it was better than your little scooter. What in the hell is going on here?" The Potentials were gathered in small groups on the lawn and on the porch, arguing loudly amongst themselves. "Dunno," Spike said, squinting. "Where the hell is Buffy, she's usually ridin' herd on those little monsters." "I'll find out." *** Giles was gone for half an hour before returning to where Spike was leaning against the bike. Spike frowned and straightened. "You're lookin' right fierce," Spike said. "What the hell happened?" "Mutiny, of a sort. They threw Buffy out of the house, the ungrateful little . . ." "Hold up, don't say somethin' you'll regret." Giles sighed and looked about helplessly. "I've no idea where she might be," he said, worried and angry. "I do," Spike said, jerking his head to the east. "Thank God, I knew you were good for something," Giles said. Spike glowered and then pulled Giles close and kissed him hard. "I'm good for lots of things. We goin' or what?" "We're going." *** "Buffy?" Giles slid on to the bed next to her and touched her shoulder as Spike lounged against the doorframe, watching. "Buffy." She shrugged off his touch. "Don't, Giles. I'm out of it, they want me out of it." He sighed and forced her to roll over to face him. "They don't, Buffy, they're just tired and scared . . ." She propped herself up on her hands, hurt and infuriated. "They kicked me out of my own house! *Dawn* kicked me out!" "She had her reasons, Buffy, one of them being that she thought you needed to get out of there, get some distance, some quiet, maybe even a little sleep," Giles said softly. "Well, why didn't she just *tell* me that?" "Would you have left if she had?" She stared at him for a long time, eyes filled with tears, before falling back on to the bed. "No," she whispered. "Probably not. But Faith . . ." "Buffy, Faith was right. Those girls did need to blow off a little steam, you've made than more than aware that they're likely to die any day. They needed a bit of fun and Faith gave that to them. But she wasn't playing good cop intentionally, Buffy, the last thing she wanted was to hurt you again." "You don't know that!" "I *do* know that, she told me. Buffy," Giles said, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. "Faith has changed, she really has changed. Don't you dare tell me you haven't felt it. Buffy, you can't continue to let Faith's past hold her back; despite what she may say or the way she may act, what you feel about her is very important to her. *All* of us hold some responsibility for what happened to her; she came to us lost and lonely and broken and all of us pushed her away, why do you think she was such as easy mark for the Mayor? He made her feel loved, Buffy, and none of us can same the same thing, except, perhaps, for Angel." "Your *boyfriend*," she grumbled, wiping her face against the pillow. "*What?*" Spike hissed, and Giles sighed and waved at him to be silent and then cast his eyes toward heaven in supplication. "Buffy. Faith doesn't want a position of leadership, she knows she's not ready for it. She said to tell you she'll do her best until you get back." "She did?" "Yes." She was quiet for a long time and then she sat up suddenly, tears streaming. "Oh, God, Giles, I *hit* her, at the Bronze, Giles . . ." "Do you want to speak with her?" "Yes. I do, I really do, can you get her here?" *** "Listen, B, that whole thing . . ." "Shut up, Faith. Sit down." Giles and Spike watched from the shadows as Faith and Buffy sat on the bed, facing each other. "B, I'm really sorry . . ." "Faith, I said shut up! Now you listen to me. *I'm* sorry. I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry, God, I'm so sorry I stabbed you, I'm sorry I treated you as less than a person, I'm sorry for everything, Faith, everything, do you hear me?" Faith stared at her in shock. "I'm sorry I haven't given you credit for what you've done, for giving yourself up, for going to jail and staying there when you didn't have to, for paying your dues, for taking care of Angel, for coming here when you didn't have to, to help us. Thank you, Faith, and you can do this, you can lead those girls and you can win this, I've seen it in you, Faith, I believe in you, do you hear me? I believe in you." Faith drew back, her eyes wide. "Goddammit, B, don't you fuckin' do this to me, all right? I don't cry, right? I don't cry and you're not gonna fuckin' make me cry, I swear to God, I'll fuckin' beat the shit outta you if you make me cry, I'm nobody's hero, you know that, and don't you fuckin' make me CRY. . ." "Damn you, Faith," Buffy whispered, flinging herself forward and wrapping her arms around Faith's neck. "I . . . love you, all right? There, I said it, don't you dare make me ever say it again, you stupid bitch!" Faith stiffened in Buffy's arms, and then her shoulders hitched, and Giles couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying, he suspected it was some combination of both, and then she relaxed into Buffy's arms, sobbing into her shoulder, both of them crying now, and then Faith shoved her away abruptly and punched Buffy hard on the shoulder. "OW! Leave it to you to ruin a Hallmark moment!" Buffy muttered before punching her back. Faith stood, rubbing at her arm where Buffy had hit her. "Hey. I told you I don't cry, fair warning, right?" Buffy smiled tiredly, wiping at her eyes. "Right." "Listen, I'm gonna go beat those girls asses and hold down the fort, but only until you come back, okay?" "Okay," Buffy sighed. "Good. 'Cause the pay for this gig sucks *total* ass," Faith grumbled as she turned on her heel, punching both Giles and Spike on her way out. Buffy giggled, hand over her mouth, at their expressions of pain and shock. *** Giles drifted up out of a deep and peaceful sleep at some point during the night, feeling Buffy plastered up against him on one side and Spike curled against him on the other and their hands entwined across his chest, and he thought absently as sleep again overtook him that as last nights on earth went, there was no way in hell it could get better than this. *** "Where is she?" "Gone," Spike said, staring out the window, smoking. He tossed the note on to the bed and Giles picked it up and read it. ***Dear Pervs, I think I've figured something out, there's something I have to do. If it works, and I think it will, I'll meet you back at the house later. If it doesn't work, well, I love you guys. Tell Dawn and everyone else the same thing. Be careful. Have some perverted fun and live happily ever after for me, please? About time somebody did. Buffy*** Giles sighed and fell back on the bed. "You want me to go after her?" Giles was quiet for a long time. "Spike, does something feel different to you?" "How do you mean, Watcher?" "I mean . . . the feel in the air. Different, lighter. Maybe a sense of hope?" "You're feelin' *her*." Giles looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?" "I mean," Spike said, sitting down on the bed and brushing his fingers lightly against the bite mark on Giles' neck, causing him to shiver. "With *this*, you feel me. But with her, you're connected, really connected, deep down, Watcher, Slayer, father, daughter, friends, brothers in arms Ð you're feelin' her, what she's feelin'. She really believes that she's figured this out, she really believes now that she's gonna win this thing, and *you* really believe in her. That's what you're feelin'." Giles stared at him. "You're so goddamned smart. Why you pretend otherwise is beyond me." Spike smiled lazily. "Keeps me from havin' to do any work." Giles snorted. "And how are you feeling?" Spike slid atop him, nuzzling at the mark on his neck. "I'm feelin' we oughta do what the Slayer said, have a bit of fun . . ." Giles shuddered and wrapped his arms around him. "Do it again," he whispered. Spike's head snapped up and he stared at Giles, searching his face, his eyes. "You sure?" "Yes . . ." and already Spike was struggling with Giles' clothes, and his own, and when they were finally skin to skin Spike slid along the length of Giles' body, to his neck, changed, and bit, and the universe exploded. *** "*Jesus Christ!*" Giles groaned, panting, sated and sore and bloodied. "My God. It was different that time, better." "Better?" Spike whispered, still lapping at the blood trickling down Giles neck. "Yes. Your soul, I think," Giles murmured, eyes closing. "Yeah, guess it would be different," Spike said, settling against Giles' side with a sigh. "Nap?" "Quick one, yes," Giles whispered, already falling asleep. *** "Fuckin' brilliant," Spike said. "I think so, yes. I knew she'd come through," Giles said proudly. Then he tossed something into Spike's lap. Spike stared. "Flowers? For *me*? How very sweet of you, Watcher, so *terribly* romantic, I would have preferred whiskey, but these are simply lovely . . ." Giles rolled his eyes and snatched the yellow daisies away. "Bastard. They're not for you. Come along." *** Spike stared down at Tara's grave, holding the flowers in his hand. "I've never been up here," he whispered, sinking to the ground slowly. Giles settled beside him. "No, I didn't think you had." "You know, I think she was the only person I ever knew who didn't want nothin' from me. Not my strength, not my contacts, not sex, nothin'. She just wanted *me*, liked me for who I was," Spike said, wiping at his eyes. "She told me she loved me, all the time. For no reason, just to say it, and she really *meant* it." "She was incredibly special." "Damn right. I would have killed for her," Spike whispered. He turned suddenly and looked at Giles. "Watcher, with the soul now, I feel, more and more, like the person I used to be. And I dream about the people I've killed and I howl in my sleep over what I've done . . . so *why* am I so glad about what Red did to fuckin' Warren? You know full well that if she hadn't done it, I'd have done it myself and I wouldn't have regretted it, not one bit." "Well," Giles said, sighing. "That's human nature, I suppose. I can't say with any certainty that if it hadn't been for the risk of losing Willow, that I wouldn't have let her kill all three of them." Spike was staring again at Tara's grave. "She wouldn't have wanted that, though. Not another stain on all our souls. She was gentle, about love and light and tenderness . . ." "Golden," Giles whispered. "Yeah," Spike said, and they sat there for a long time in silence, each communing with her in his own way. Then finally Spike laid the flowers at the foot of the grave marker, they told her goodbye, and they slowly walked away. *** "Jesus, Watcher, our last night on earth," Spike groaned, writhing against him. "I know. Make it count," Giles whispered. "Love you, God, love you so much, Watcher . . ." "Love you, more than anything, Spike, love you . . ." *** "Lovely necklace. Rather large and shiny. It suits you." "Shut it, Watcher. Supposed to be worn by a hero, Buffy says." "Then the right person is wearing it." Spike stared at him and then flung his arms around him kissed him hard. "No matter what happens, remember me, please, I love you," he whispered. "Always. Always, always," Giles murmured, holding him tightly. *** Wood had been wounded and fell into Giles' arms when the burning sensation in the mark on his neck started, causing him to stagger, and then the girls came running, and he struggled under Woods' weight to make it outside to the bus as the searing light disintegrated the vampires and the earth began to shake, and then Faith was there, taking most of Woods' weight and dragging Giles with her and barking orders, and then it felt as if he were on fire, white hot light of a thousand suns, and he fell, blinded, and then was overtaken by a feeling of rapturous joy, freedom and flight, flung into the very center of the universe. And then it all went black and the constant throb in the mark on his neck gone, and he knew. *** He stared down into the pit that had been Sunnydale. "Buffy?" "Spike," she said softly. He put a hand over his mouth and walked to the far side of the bus, and she stared after him for a moment before following, wrapping her arms around him. "Great things can come from great pain, that's what Tara always used to tell me," she said, burying her face in his chest. "He saved the world, Giles We'll remember." "Always," he whispered into her hair. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Doesn't make it hurt any less, though, does it?" "No." They stood there for a long time, holding one another tightly. It was the last moment they had for the next two months to breathe, much less grieve. *** A couple of weeks later he had managed to get the majority of the girls on flights to England, and he and Buffy and Xander and Faith had partially formed a plan on what they were going to do when they all finally got there, and he was slogging through paperwork and answering entirely too many phone calls from the Council when he felt a cool, faint slide against the mark on his neck. "Giles? You all right?" Buffy asked, frowning. "I'm fine," he said. "Ghosts." *** Two months later and suddenly the mark on his neck was pounding, and he wondered, touching it constantly, and he even found himself staring at the phone, waiting for it to ring, but after weeks went by of nothing but silence, he marked it up to grief and trudged on. *** "Well," Giles sighed, hanging up the phone. "That's an interesting bit of information." "What?" Buffy asked, frowning. "Angel." "Angel? Your *boyfriend* Angel?" she said, smirking. He glared. "Hey, *you* started it, it's your own fault. What about Angel?" "Apparently, he's the new CEO of Wolfram & Hart, the branch in Los Angeles. Actually, he has been, for several weeks," Giles said, rubbing at his forehead. "*What?*" Faith said. "You gotta be kiddin' me, Giles! What in the hell would Angel be doin' at Wolfram and fucking Hart?" "I've no idea," he said. "Fuck me," Faith mumbled. "Wait a minute, Angel's taken over the big creepy evil law firm he's been fighting all this time?" Buffy asked, staring. "Apparently so." "Well, he's got to have a reason for doing that, right? I mean, I saw him right before we blew up Sunnydale, he hadn't gone all Angelus on us." "Maybe not, B, but Wolfram & Hart Ð that place is completely fucked up, completely. Serious, wicked bad vibes all over, seems like he'd go all Angelus just walking through the front door," Faith said, frowning. "I'm sure he's got his reasons and I trust him more than I trust anyone, but I sure as shit don't trust Wolfram & Hart." "Neither do I," Giles said, sighing. "I should talk to him, then," Buffy said, looking back and forth between Giles and Faith. "I don't think so," Giles said. "I'd rather keep a low profile, as low as possible anyway, especially if Wolfram & Hart is involved." "I'm with Giles, B. You know I dig Angel, do anything for him, but I've been in that place, I know what it's like. I say we wait it out, watch him, see what he's got goin' on." "Or, we could just call him and ask," Buffy said, scowling. "And if he's Angelus, what would he tell you? And even if he isn't, he's still vulnerable, it's quite possible that with the kind of tremendous power Wolfram & Hart has, he could already be under their influence," Giles said quietly. Buffy sighed. "Fine. No Angel while this evil law firm thing is going on. I don't like it but you guys know more about it than I do." Faith grinned. "That's right, bitch, and don't you forget it," she said, nudging Buffy with her toe. Buffy rolled her eyes. "You are such a skank, Faith, if I weren't so much more mature than you, not to mention prettier, I'd kick your ass." "Hey!" Faith yelled, kicking her hard. "Ow!" Buffy screeched and reached over to punch her, and soon they were rolling all over the floor of Giles' office, wrestling and cursing and giggling, and he grinned and watched with quite a bit of interest before calling a halt. "Fine," Buffy said, standing and smoothing her hair and kicking Faith one last time before leaping out of her reach. "I've got to pack, my plane leaves tomorrow. Hey, guess what, I've got a date!" "Really? With whom?" Giles asked. "He's *so* . . . he's just *so*," Buffy said, wide-eyed and dreamy. "You gotta date with some dude named 'So?'" Faith asked from where she was still lounging on the floor. "No, no, his name is . . ." Buffy frowned. "I'm sure he must've told me." Giles rolled his eyes. "Dear Lord, Buffy, do be careful. Going out with someone's whose name you don't even know?" "What's he look like?" Faith asked. Again Buffy frowned. "Tall?" "Bloody hell," Giles muttered. "Well, whatever, B. Have fun with this tall, So guy," Faith said, hopping to her feet. "Later," she said, grabbing Buffy's ass on her way out of Giles' office. Buffy scowled. "What is her deal? Every time I see her she's feeling me up!" "You're not the only one," Giles sighed. Buffy stared at him and then giggled. "Xander needs to get back soon and take care of her, you know, needs." "He most certainly does," Giles said absently, trailing his fingers along the top of his desk. "Hey," Buffy said, moving around the desk to kneel beside him. "You okay?" He smiled sadly. "No. Not really." She sighed. "Giles, I'm sorry." "I know. Thank you," he murmured, hauling her into his lap and squeezing her tightly, before shoving her to her feet. "Run along now. Have fun. But for God's sake, Buffy, be careful." "I will, I will. When I see him I'll write down his name, full description, everything." "Good," Giles said, smiling tiredly. "Try to rest, Giles, okay?" "I'll try," he promised, though it felt like he'd never sleep again. *** "Giles, I totally understand that this is totally none of my total business, but I have totally got to know," Xander said, pacing nervously in front of Giles' desk. "What?" Giles asked, frowning. "You didn't *really* sleep with Angel, did you?" "Oh, bloody hell." *** "Andrew." "Hey, Mr. Giles! I just flew in from L.A. and boy, are my arms tired! Heh, I've always wanted to use that joke and I thought it was particularly appropriate considering all the flying I've been doing lately, because you know, me being a *Watcher* now, well, kinda, anyway, and you know what? That Wolfram & Hart place is all kinds of creepy, I was super glad to be out of there, let me tell you, but we've got Dana, put her in the hospital in London just like you said, just wish I could've gotten there before she cut off Spike's hands, and can I just say *icky* and *ow*? Poor Spike, dude, that's gotta hurt, but he was like *so* brave, you know, like he always is, but as creepy as Wolfram & Hart is their medical facilities are really outstanding. . ." Giles' breath caught in shock. "Hold on, Andrew. Did you say *Spike*?" "Well, yeah, didn't you read all my e-mails? I sent like twenty, some from the plane, even, more super coolness there and yeah, he's all like alive and stuff, like I told him, like Gandalf returned from the battle with the Balrog, and did I mention that that Angel guy thinks he's the boss of everyone? Not *me*, though, I grabbed Dana right out from under his uptight vampire nose. Well, the girls helped a little, but that girl Fred? She's *really* cute. DON'T TELL HER I SAID THAT!" Giles turned away from Andrew, leaning heavily against his desk with both hands. Spike, alive, and in Los Angeles with Angel. He closed his eyes for a moment, hand going to the mark in his neck and remembering the return of the pain, cursing himself, he should have known by now what the pain meant, and he sighed and waited for the room to stop spinning, trying to catch his breath before turning to face Andrew again. ". . . and it's *so* weird, Harmony was there, she's like Angel's secretary or something? And she had to bring me Sprite which I thought was funny because she was like so mean to me in high school and now she's like bringing me Sprite? LOL as we say in cyberspace! That's what she gets for being so mean and then getting turned into a vampire, don't feel sorry for her, not one bit, but she *was* wearing Prada, Wolfram & Hart must pay really well . . ." Giles held up one hand. "Just a moment, Andrew," he said, moving on shaky legs to sit behind his desk. "Sit down," he said, "And tell me more about Spike." Andrew shrugged and flopped down on one of the chairs in front of Giles' desk and began his tale. *** Spike felt it as he strode toward the apartment building but refused to believe it, absolutely refused, until he actually opened the door and could really feel him, could smell him, and before he knew it he was running, rounding the corner to see Giles leaning back against the wall in front of the door to his apartment, and he staggered slightly, then froze. Giles' head jerked up and his eyes widened and Spike's heart ached at the hope and fear and love that he saw there. "Jesus," Giles whispered. "God, Spike, Andrew said that you were alive but . . ." Again Spike ran, throwing his arms around Giles' neck and kissing him hungrily, reaching around him with one leg to kick the door open and then shoving him through it. "Spike . . ." "Don't talk, Watcher, don't talk, just touch me, please," Spike whispered desperately, kicking the door closed behind them. *** Part Seven They were sprawled all over one another on a makeshift pallet on the floor in Spike's apartment, Giles lying on his side, his head propped on one hand and the other running across Spike's chest and arms, Spike's eyes fluttering shut under his touch. "I still can't believe it," Giles whispered. "Why didn't you *call* me? Do you realize what I've been going through the past few months?" Spike flinched at the hurt in Giles' voice. "I dunno. Lots of reasons. I've missed you, all of you, awful lonely here without you . . ." "Then *why*?" Spike sighed. "It was . . . I was here for so long, bloody *incorporeal*, stuck here, you know? *Couldn't* leave. And then Angel . . . even before what happened in Sunnydale I was startin' to get an idea of what he'd been goin' through, all these years, the whole soul thing, the guilt, the not sleepin', the needin' to make up for what he'd done . . . and I watched him, watched his team, the good they been tryin' to do, especially that Fred. She reminds me so much of you and Buffy, the way she treats me, like a real person, right? And she especially reminds me of Tara, did you know that she told me that she thought I was worth savin'?" Spike said, rolling his head and looking at Giles. "No, of course I didn't know. But between you and Andrew she sounds like a fine girl." "She is, she really is. They're a good group, Wes, even" Spike said and Giles smiled. "Wesley has come a long way," Giles said. "Yeah, he has, considerin' he was Head Boy," Spike snorted and Giles drew up and glared. "Now, hang on!" Giles said. "*I* was Head Boy as well!" "Bet you were," Spike murmured, rolling on to his side and plastering himself up against Giles. "Bet you were best Head boy ever." "Stop that! Tell me why you haven't *called*," Giles grumbled. Spike was silent for a long time, trying to find the right words. "Scared, for one, I guess. Wasn't sure what the lot of you would say, if maybe you were done with me once I'd done my bit." He brushed his fingers against the mark on Giles' neck. "And I knew you must've felt it, Watcher. And I waited, every day, for you and you never came. I thought you were done. With me. Watcher . . . why didn't you come?" he whispered, looking up at Giles with eyes that were, after all they'd been through, still full of doubt and hurt and fear. "I've been waitin' so long . . ." Giles grabbed him by the jaw and kissed him hard. "Jesus . . . yes, I felt it, but Spike, I had *no* idea what it meant, had no idea where you were, or even *if* you were! I wondered and I waited but when there was no word I thought it must have been wishful thinking. But I was never done with you, Spike, I never will be," Giles whispered. "You have been before," Spike said, staring at the ceiling. "Been done with me, I mean. Left me." "That changed, Spike, *I* changed . . ." Giles said, voice soft with regret. "If I'd known what had happened, Spike, I would have been here in a heartbeat, taken you home." Spike smiled slightly. "My white knight," he said, with just the barest hint of mockery. "Oh, I suppose you could say that. If you must," Giles said, smiling. Then he became serious again. "But Spike, don't you ever doubt me again. I'll always be there, always." Spike stared at him, eyes searching his face, and then he smiled. "I know that now, Watcher," Spike murmured, running his hand along Giles' jaw. "Then come home with me," Giles said softly. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but I can't," Spike said, staring at Giles intently. "I've gotta see this through." "See *what* through?" "Well, that's the bitch of it, Angel won't tell anyone what he's got planned, the stubborn bastard. But whatever it is, Watcher, I believe in it and I believe in him." Giles sighed. "So odd to hear you talk about him this way." He paused for a moment. "You've taken up with him again, haven't you?" Spike winced. "Yeah," he said quietly and then reached out to grab Giles when he felt him stiffen and pull away. "But it was different; it was habit, comfort, solace. It was a couple of times on a couple of really bad nights is all, right? You understand that, Watcher? I missed you, God, so much, and he misses Cordelia and he's *still* moonin' over Buffy, not to mention his son . . ." "Wait, *what*?" *** "Jesus Christ," Giles said after Spike had finished his story, falling on to his back and staring at the ceiling. "And where is this child?" "That was part of the deal. Angel gave the kid over, new family, new life, and in return he took over Wolfram & Hart." "Fuck," Giles muttered. "Right," Spike sighed. "None of 'em remember it, so don't tell the rest." "I won't," Giles whispered. "But Spike . . . Angel is incredibly vulnerable in this situation. And as much as I might trust his motives, I do *not* trust him under these circumstances, not while he's at Wolfram & Hart." "Well, don't figure I would either, if I weren't on the inside, watchin'," Spike said. He sighed and suddenly rolled on top of Giles. "We done talkin'? We all made up? Say it!" "I bloody well will *not*, not while you're involved with *Angel*," Giles muttered in disgust, turning away when Spike tried to kiss him. Spike grinned. "Fine, no more Angel. I told you, it was just a couple times." Giles glared. "Do you swear?" "I swear, I swear, I bloody well swear! Say it! Say it, say, it say it! And then fuck me some more!" Spike ordered, and then leaned down to nip sharply at Giles' shoulder. "God, you're insufferable." "SAY IT! Please?" "Fine. Love you," Giles said grudgingly. "But if I find out that he's touched you again, first I'll kill him and then I'll kill *you*. And I'm not staying in this dreary apartment one more moment, I'm only here for three days, and if you won't come home with me then at least come back to the hotel." "Expensive?" "Ridiculously." "Minibar?" "Of course." "Room service?" "Yes, for Christ's sake!" "Bath?" Giles sighed and rolled his eyes. "Huge. Jacuzzi." "You're stickin' it to the Council, aren't you?" Giles smiled slightly. "Perhaps." "Whips and chains?" Giles eyes darkened. "If you'd like." "I'm your man, then," Spike said, grinning, and then leapt to his feet and started dressing. "And why're you so jealous? Is it because of me or because of *Angel*? 'Cause you know, everybody knows you two had a thing . . ." "OH, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" *** "Angel, I'm outta here for the next couple of days, got my phone thingy if you need me but only if it's *really* important, like naked pictures of Buffy or somethin', got it?" Spike said, adding Buffy's name simply for the provocation factor. Angel's head snapped up and his face hardened. "Giles." "Yeah. Later, then." Angel came around his desk and grabbed Spike by the lapels. "He's here." Spike rolled his eyes. "No, Angel, he's in England, I fucked him metaphysically on an astral plane or some such rot." "What in the fuck do you think you're *doing*?" Spike smirked. "Havin' two days off, gettin' off, fuckin' a rather hot Englishman senseless." "Goddammit, Spike!" Angel shouted, shaking him. Spike pushed him away. "Oh, shove it with the jealousy, that ain't you talkin', that's Angelus, thought you were tryin' to get away from that whole bit." Angel leaned back against his desk, arms crossed and glowering. "Why is he here?" "For me." Angel scowled. "You're not leaving, are you?" "Why, Angel, didn't know you cared. Wait, actually I did. And for the record, no." "Good," Angel said grudgingly. "We'll need you." "I know. Bye now," Spike said, turning to leave. "Spike, wait . . . what does he think of all this? We may need his help down the road." Spike sighed and turned back. "Let's see; he thinks you're an idiot for bein' here, doesn't understand *why* you're here, doesn't trust you, hates your hair and thinks you're fat. Oh, and he thinks you dress like a male prostitute. NOW GOODBYE ALREADY!" Spike bellowed and stormed out. Then he popped back in. "He did, though, think you were precious as a wee puppet man, I showed him the pictures. Ta!" And he was gone again. Angel groaned in frustration and buried his face in his hands. "He thinks I'm *fat*?" he whispered to himself. *** "*God*, Watcher," Spike sighed, draping himself across Giles' chest. "I've missed you." "At least you haven't been moping around for weeks thinking I was fucking *dead*," Giles grumbled, ruffling his fingers through Spike's hair. "You gonna let that go any time soon?" "Not bloody likely," Giles muttered. Spike smiled and closed his eyes, running one hand over Giles' body. "Leaner. Harder. Nice." "Hundreds of girls to train and very few people to train them, that's what happens." "Like it," Spike murmured, then he froze suddenly. "Oh, *bloody* hell," he mumbled. Giles frowned. "What?" "Wait for it . . ." Spike sighed. Suddenly the door was kicked open and Giles looked up to see Angel standing there, scowling. "Oh, for God's sake! Are the two of you utterly incapable of opening a door properly?" Giles spat, looking from Spike to Angel. "Wasn't sure you'd let me in, what with you not trusting me and hating my hair and all!" Angel shouted, throwing his arms out wide. Spike snorted and hid his face in Giles' chest. "*What*?" Giles said. "Never mind! I need to talk to you, Giles," Angel said, moving to stand at the foot of the bed. Giles sighed and leaned back against the pillow, putting one arm behind his head while reaching for Spike's cigarettes with the other hand, pulling one out and lighting it, his eyes on Angel all the while. "I don't believe there's anything we need to discuss, Angel," he said, squinting at Angel through the smoke. "I'll have nothing to do with you while you're at Wolfram & Hart." "Well, you sure don't seem to have a problem showing up here and fucking an obnoxious, pain in the ass vampire who *also* happens to be at Wolfram & Hart!" Angel snarled. Giles sat up suddenly, grabbing Angel by the shirt collar and yanking him down so that they were face to face. "You'll watch the way you speak about Spike, and the way you speak about me, Angel, I'm perfectly capable of killing you just for the hell of it and you'd do well to remember that," Giles hissed, his face and eyes hard. "Well, well, a cat fight over little ol' me," Spike said smugly, rolling on to his side and propping his head in his hand. "Do go on." "Shut up, Spike!" Giles and Angel said simultaneously. Angel yanked himself free of Giles' grip, sighed, and started pacing along the foot of the bed. "Listen, Giles, I'm not here to start a fight, I'm here because we might need your help." "You won't get it. Not under these circumstances." "Giles, I've got a plan . . ." "That you won't share with anyone. No, Angel." Spike sighed and rolled his eyes. "Gods, the two of you can be such complete idiots . . ." "Shut up, Spike!" Giles and Angel again said in unison, and Spike leapt off the bed and began dressing. "Know what? I'm bloody well sick and fuckin' tired of bein' told to shut up! You!" he yelled, pointing at Angel. "You can't ask him for help if he doesn't know what in the hell you need it for! And you!" he said, turning to Giles. "You've known him long enough, why don't you trust him? You could at least hear him out!" He shrugged into his duster. "I'm gettin' the hell outta here, have fun buttin' heads and gettin' absolutely NOTHIN' FUCKIN' DONE!" The door to the hotel room slammed and Angel and Giles stared after him. "Good God," Giles said finally. "He's really coming into his own." "Yeah," Angel said grudgingly. "He is." Giles turned to stare at him. "Don't you dare hurt him, Angel. I *will* kill you." "For God's sake, Giles! I'd never hurt him, not now, at least not intentionally. He's here because of the connection, the blood, you've got some idea about that, now," Angel said, nodding at the mark on Giles' neck. "He'll always be there when I need him, and I'll always be there when he needs me, that's why he's still here! But *I'm* not the one who can hurt him, not in the way you mean. *You've* got the power now to hurt him like that, not me. So let me reverse that threat, don't *you* hurt him or *I'll* kill you!" They glared at one another for a long time before Giles finished his cigarette and stubbed it out on his bare heel and then flicked the butt at Angel. "Pfft!" Angel said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Was that supposed to impress me?" "Did it?" Giles asked, voice hard. "Pshh! No! Well, yeah, kinda," Angel admitted, grumbling, and sat down on the love seat across from the bed. "All right, listen, Giles, please. I *am* working on something and no, I haven't told anybody what it is, partially to keep them all safe and partially because I don't have all the details yet." Giles regarded him in silence before finally speaking. "So what is it you think you need from me?" "I have no idea, I don't know that we'll need *anything* from you, but it'd be nice to know you guys were there for us if we call." "I won't commit to anything, Angel, not until I know all the details. And even then I might not be willing to render any assistance, especially if it involves putting any of mine in any more danger than they already are." Angel sighed. "Well, are you willing, as things progress and I feel safer about letting everyone in on what's going on, to at least consider helping us? On some fronts, at least?" Giles stared at him for a long time through narrowed eyes. "Depending upon what type of help you may need and how dangerous it might be, yes, I'll consider it." Angel rubbed at his forehead. "Guess that's all I can ask for now." "And that's all I can offer, for now." Angel heaved a heavy sigh and fell back on the love seat, all trace of animosity gone, and began picking at the upholstery. "So. How's things? You look good. How's, you know . . . Buffy?" Giles sighed. "She's fine." "Giles, you don't . . . really think I'm fat do you?" "*What*?" "And, Giles," Angel said, lowering his voice to a whisper and leaning forward and fidgeting with embarrassment. "Why is everybody suddenly asking me if we, you know, *slept together*?" Giles clapped a hand over his eyes and fell back on the bed with a groan. *** "Please, please, stay, Watcher, just a little longer, so afraid I'll lose you again," Spike whispered against the skin of Giles' neck. "I'll see what I can do, two more days, perhaps," Giles said. "But you can still come back with me, you know." "Can't," Spike sighed, and wrapped himself around Giles as if he would never let go. *** "I suppose there's no point in asking you again?" Giles said, arms around Spike's waist, his forehead resting against Spike's. "I just got you back." "No," Spike sighed. "You could stay here, you know." "I can't." "DON'T LEAVE, YOU UTTER BASTARD!" "DON'T YOU BLOODY STAY!" Spike buried his face in Giles' neck and brushed his lips lightly against the mark, smiling a bit when Giles shuddered. "We're fucked. And not in a fun, dirty way," Spike said mournfully. "I'll miss you, Watcher, will you come back?" "I'll try." Giles smiled and kissed him. "*Call* me," he whispered. "I will, if I can figure out how this fuckin' phone thingy works. Don't forget me!" Giles laughed, and then sighed and held Spike tightly. "How could I possibly forget you?" he asked, bring Spike's fingers to the mark on his neck. "You'll always be here." "AND DON'T YOU BLOODY WELL FORGET IT!" Giles sighed and rolled his eyes. "Be careful, Spike, that place is goddamned dangerous, if you die again, I'll kill you. And stay the fuck away from Angel." "Jealous," Spike whispered, smiling. "Damn right. Say it." "Love you," Spike murmured, reaching up to kiss him. Giles closed his eyes and sighed again. "Goddammit, Spike. Love you, too," he whispered. *** "Watcher." "Spike," Giles said, putting a hand to his mouth as he smiled. "I see you've mastered the art of the cell phone." Spike sighed. "Nope. Fred dialed it for me. Listen, Watcher, I called for a reason, I need somethin'." Giles frowned. "Is everything all right?" "No." "What is it? What do you need?" "I need to know what you're wearin'. And then I need you to take it off." Giles froze and only his eyes moved to take in the crowd around his desk, Willow, Faith, Xander; and Buffy, who was grinning maniacally. "Spike," he said calmly. "Perhaps I should let you know that you're on speakerphone? And that I'm in a room full of people who can *hear* you?" "That right? Hey, all! NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE SO I CAN HAVE A GOOD PHONE FUCK WITH THE WATCHER!" Giles groaned and buried his head in his hands as Buffy and Faith fell all over each other, laughing and hooting and herding a giggling Willow and a shell-shocked Xander out of Giles' office. Giles sighed and picked up the receiver. "I'll never live that down, you know, you utter bastard." "They gone?" "Yes," Giles bit out through clenched teeth. "Good. What're you wearin'?" *** "Giles? Just listen to me Ð what? Dammit!" Angel bellowed and hurled the phone as hard as he could at Spike's head. Spike snatched it out of the air. "I *told* you to let *me* call him, you idiot!" Spike hissed before putting the phone to his ear. Angel sighed and paced in front of his desk while Spike talked softly into the phone. "Hey, Angelkins," Lorne whispered, leaning forward and grabbing Angel's arm. "Why is Spike our contact with this Giles cat? I thought it'd be Wesley, or you, didn't the two of you have, you know, a little of the forbidden Vampire/Watcher love that dare not speak its name, although I guess I *did* just speak its name, but didn't you? Back in the day?" Angel groaned and clapped a hand over his eyes. *** "Watcher? It's Fred. Please." Giles looked at Willow, who nodded frantically and leapt up and ran from the room. He sighed. "Fine, Spike, I'll allow her to come, but you're to be with her at all times, am I understood? Never leave her alone, with anyone, it could be terribly dangerous for her at Wolfram & Hart, considering how powerful she's become." "She'll be safe, Watcher, I swear to God." "Right, then. She has to meet with the coven in order to be there as quickly as possible Ð and the teleportation makes her ill, be ready for that as well, and Spike, *please* . . ." "Got my word." Giles sighed. "That's good enough for me, then." Spike was silent for a moment. "Thank you, Watcher. Love you." "Love you, too, Spike, and for God's sake take care of yourself as well." "I will." *** Giles waited, fingers drumming on the desk top, then he winced as the mark on his neck flared and he picked up the phone and dialed immediately. "Spike," he whispered. "I'm so sorry. I know how much she meant to you." He listened for a long time as the grief poured down the telephone line, and when Willow appeared in the doorway, face drawn and tearstained, he motioned her forward and pulled her onto his lap and she cried on his shoulder, and he comforted her with touch and comforted Spike with soft words until they were all too tired to cry anymore. *** "Watcher. Warm up the bed." "*What*?" "Angel's got a thing in Rome, I've convinced him to drop me at your place." Giles could hear Angel bellowing in the background and put a hand over his mouth to cover a grin. "Don't tell me, you . . ." "Knocked him around for an hour and when that didn't work I threatened blackmail." "Blackmail?" "Those wee puppet man pictures." Giles started giggling uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face. "You mean he doesn't know about Dawn's website, AngelPuppet.com?" "Shut it, Watcher, he'll hear you! Well, he would if he'd quit all that bloody screamin'. ANGEL! We goin' or what?" Spike shouted. Giles heard more grumbling in the background. "Good then, you twit. Watcher?" he said, speaking to Giles again. "We're on our way." Giles closed his eyes and sighed as a thrill shot through him. "How long?" "Four hours." "Thank God," Giles muttered, hanging up and then rushing around, banishing everyone from the house for the next 24 hours. *** "*Fuck*, Watcher, so good," Spike bit out through clenched teeth, bracing himself against the headboard. "Good and hard, Jesus fuckin' *Christ*, so good . . ." "*God*," Giles groaned. "Oh, *God*!" "Love you, Watcher, *Christ*, love the way you *fuck* me . . ." "Love you, so goddamned beautiful . . ." *** "So, Giles," Faith said, leaning against his desk. "Getting' a new bed, huh? Hmm, wonder why that could be?" He flushed and hid his face in his hands. *** "Buffy!" Giles said, pulling her into his arms. "How have you been? You've been gone too long." "Been great," she said, grinning up at him. Giles rolled his eyes. "The Immortal?" "Oh, yeah. Big yeah. And hey, you know what? Neither Dawn nor I have been inclined to kill Andrew. Weird, huh?" "Quite, actually," Giles said, taking a seat behind his desk. "Oh, and you know what else? Angel put a tail on me!" "Angel did *what*?" "He's had some guy following me all around Rome." "What in the bloody hell for?" She propped her elbows on his desk and fluttered her eyelashes. "Because he *loves* me. In a really weird, stalkery kind of way. Jealous?" Giles glared and she smirked. "Seriously, though," she said, sighing. "I'm having tons of fun with the Immortal, but I really kind of miss Angel. I mean, *really* miss him. I thought the tail thing was kind of sweet, if, you know, stalkery." Giles looked at her thoughtfully. "You really still love him. After all this time." "Yeah," she said, picking up a pen from Giles' desk and toying with it. "I think I always will. Giles, you've had lots of contact with both him and Spike, *especially* Spike, with all your perverted phone sex," she said, grinning at his put-upon sigh. "Surely you have a better idea now of what's going on there. Are you absolutely sure we can't help them? Whatever they need? Giles, I understand it's Wolfram & Hart, but I also understand *Angel*, I *know* him. Can we, you know, reconsider the boycott?" "It hasn't exactly been a complete boycott," he said quietly. "I know. But we haven't helped them as much as we could, either." She looked at him. "Will you at least think about it? For Angel's sake? For mine? For Spike?" He stared at her for a long time, thinking. *** "Angel, enough, you gotta tell us what's goin' on!" Spike yelled. "Nothing is going on, nothing that I can *tell* you." "What, you're gonna hold off to the eleventh hour?" "Of course not!" "You're a bloody awful liar," Spike muttered and stormed out of Angel's office. *** "Well?" Spike said, looking at Wesley and Gunn in turn. "What do you think?" Wesley and Gunn looked at one another and then Wesley sighed, sinking wearily into the chair behind his desk. "I think we should try it," he said, rubbing at his face. "Me, too," said Gunn. "I'm in." "Good. Four days. One of you talk to Lorne. Wes, what about Blue? I think she should be involved." Wesley looked up at him with tired eyes. "I think she should, as well." "Right," Spike said. *** Wesley, Gunn, Lorne, Illyria and Spike entered Angel's office four days later and stood as a group in front of his desk. Angel sighed. "What?" "I'm calling a meeting," Wesley said. "A meeting? What for?" "There's something we need to discuss, Angel." "There's *nothing* we need to discuss, Wes," Angel muttered, scowling. "I believe otherwise. Do you care to come along? Angel glared. "Come along *where*?" "As I've said, I'm calling a meeting. Off-site." Wesley glanced at Spike. "Death Valley." "Jesus Christ, Wes, I don't have time for this shit!" They locked eyes, saying nothing while saying quite a lot. "Fuck," Angel muttered, finally. "Fine." *** "I think we're clear," Wesley said. "We haven't been followed and I haven't been able to detect any sort of listening devices, either on the SUV or any of us, and certainly not in here." He glanced around, peering through the gloom of the abandoned opera house. "So, Angel, please. Tell us what's going on." Angel paced, one hand over his mouth. "I *can't* tell you! There's too much risk involved, I can't afford to lose any more of you!" "Angel," Wesley said. "All of us already know that loss is an inevitable part of what we do. Tell us what you're planning." "You know, Angel, it might just be possible that we could, oh, I don't know, *help*?" Gunn said pointedly, glaring. "I can't believe you guys are ganging up on me," Angel muttered. "Angel, we're not ganging . . . well, actually, I suppose we are," Wesley said, smiling slightly. "But I've known you for years, Angel, and when the stakes are high you tend to go off on your own and take up the burden by yourself. Don't do that this time." "Angel," Spike said quietly. "Tell us." Angel sighed and sat down. "Fine. But don't come crying to me when you all end up dead." *** "So. That's it. Happy, now?" Angel said, scowling. Gunn and Wesley stared at each other for a long time and then looked back at Angel. "Sign me up," Gunn said, sighing and leaning against a wooden grate. "I'm on board, as well," Wesley said. "I will kill whomever you please," Illyria said, "As long as it pleases me." Angel's head jerked up. "You're kidding. You actually think this will work?" "What, you didn't?" Wesley asked, smiling. "Well, I wasn't sure, I'm *still* not sure . . . do you really think it's a good idea?" he asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "I think it's bloody brilliant," Spike said. "Watcher?" Giles stepped out of the shadows and Angel's eyes widened. "I think it's suicidal at best, especially in its current configuration," Giles said, moving to stand in front of Angel and crossing his arms. "But I also think it's incredibly brave. Heroic, even." "What the hell are *you* doing here?" Angel shouted, glaring. "Why didn't I sense you, why . . ." "Oh, that'd be me," Willow said, grinning, and moving to stand beside Giles. "Mystical shields, you know, that kind of stuff." Angel stared at both of them, dumbfounded, and then turned again to Giles. "Don't tell me you're here to *help*," he grumbled, glowering. "Well, no, I hadn't intended to until I knew what you were planning, and now that I know, you have our support. Well, *my* support, at any rate, there are others who are involved in making the final decision," Giles said. Angel's head dropped. "Buffy," he whispered. "Yep, that'd be me," she said, she and Faith suddenly standing at Giles' side. "And whatever you need, Angel, you got it." They stared at one another for a long time, and then she smiled, and before she could blink she was swept up in his arms and he was kissing her, deeply and for a very long time. "Whoa, kids, slow down," Faith said, grinning. "I'd tell you to get a room, but we all know what might happen if you did." Buffy and Angel glared at her and then Angel slung out one arm to pull her close, and then he looked at Giles. "You sure about this? It's gonna be big, Giles, really big, and if we fuck it up all of us are screwed." "Then we'd best not fuck it up, then," Giles said. "Angel, you should work with Buffy and Faith, get things coordinated, and I'll see about bringing the girls over in shifts, we wouldn't want to attract attention by bringing the whole lot at once. And tell me," he said, walking over to Lorne and staring at the gun Lorne was holding with a great deal of distaste. "This Lindsey, he's the one who brought Faith into this mess, correct?" "Yeah, one of 'em," Faith said, frowning. "Then he's mine," Giles said, holding out his hand to Lorne. "That is, if you don't mind, Lorne?" "Mind?" Lorne said, handing the gun over carefully. "Of course I don't mind, I could just kiss you, you long tall pint of British ale, Angelbuns, I can see why you fell for this guy, I mean come on, look at him!" Lorne said, beaming. Spike and Buffy giggled while Angel and Giles sighed in unison. Faith walked over to Giles and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you. Nice to know you got my back," she said quietly, and he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. *** "Another last night on earth," Giles panted against the skin of Spike's back. "Yeah, Watcher, make it count, make it count," Spike groaned. *** "Don't say it," Giles whispered. "*Don't*?" "No. Because it would feel like goodbye." Spike slid his arms around Giles' neck and kissed him. "I'll be back." "You damn well better." *** "Good sword play, English," Lindsey said, smirking. "Not as good as mine, of course, but good." "Years of training," Giles said, reaching into his pocket. "Tell me, Lindsey, do you remember Faith?" Lindsey frowned. "That's a weird question, what's she got to do with anything?" "Just answer it, please. Do you remember her?" "Faith? The Slayer bitch? Yeah, she was hard core, we had high hopes for her. Heard she's busted out, maybe I'll track her down . . ." Giles raised the gun and fired six times. *** "BLOODY HELL ANGEL, YOU'VE SLAIN THE FUCKIN' *DRAGON*!" Spike bellowed over the sound of the battle. "I know," Angel said, grinning like a madman. *** "Dammit, Eve, quit shifting it into neutral!" "Stop yelling at me Lindsey, I'm nervous enough as it is!" "I can't believe that fuckin' Englishman shot me six fuckin' times and didn't kill me! It's like he did on purpose or something! Godammit, I'm bleedin' all over the seat, I just got it restored, original!" "Where are we going?" "Oklahoma." "What about the senior partners?" "You think the senior partners are gonna look for us in fuckin' *Oklahoma*?" "Are we coming back?" "Fuck yeah, we're comin' back," Lindsey snarled. "Just not, you know, for a while. Couple years, maybe. And then, I swear to God . . ." "You're going to kill Angel," Eve finished for him, sighing and rolling her eyes and grinding the gears. *** The battle raged on four fronts, Angel, Spike, Wesley, Gunn and Illyria in the alley outside the Hyperion, Willow hiding in the shadows and throwing up wards when necessary; Faith and Xander leading an attack from the west and Kennedy from the east, and Buffy coming at the demon hordes from the rear, and all of the Slayers having the time of their lives. *** Suddenly all was quiet, most of the demon army either dead or dying or fleeing, and the AI team stared at one another, stunned. "We did it," Gunn said finally, grinning slowly. "We fuckin' did it!" "I'll be damned," Wesley said, slumping up against the wall and staring at Angel. "Congratulations, Angel, that was incredible Ð Angel?" "Guys," he mumbled as he fell to his knees. "I don't feel so good." "God, are you hurt?" Gunn asked, running to his side. "Little bit," Angel said, wrapping his arms across his belly. "Oh, my God," Willow whispered, coming out of the shadows. "Angel. Don't you feel it?" "Feel what, like shit? Yeah, I feel it," he said, wincing. Spike's eyes widened and he ran over to where Angel was kneeling. "No, you stupid git, she means do you *feel* it, THIS!" he shouted, taking Angel's hand and then stopping, wincing in pain and doubling over. "Oh, *bloody* hell," he bit out before collapsing. *** Giles was making his way as quickly as he could to the Hyperion when the throb in the mark on his neck stopped. He staggered, putting one hand up against a wall for support. "God, no," he whispered, and then he ran. *** What he saw when he got there shocked him. It was a celebration, Angel on his knees and smiling a pained smile while the rest laughed and cried and shouted, and Spike, God, he thought, knees buckling, Spike *was* there, yelling and flinging his arms around everyone's necks and grinning maniacally, and Giles smiled through his daze to think that a vampire could feel that much crazy, wild, loud love for so very many people. * "You've known all along, Watcher, that . . ."* *"This one does, yes."* *"And Mr. Giles," she whispered, smile in her voice. "It's 'former' vampire now."* Spike's head whipped around and he pinned Giles with his gaze, and then ran and pinned him with his arms. "God, Watcher, I heard her . . ." "So did I," Giles whispered, reaching up to cup Spike's face and then sliding his hands down to his neck. "Jesus, Spike," he said, stunned. "I know, I know, it's horrible," Spike muttered, and Giles shook his head in exasperated disbelief at the thought Spike would find his reward horrible, and then Spike wrapped his arms around Giles' neck and kissed him hard. "Where's the Slayer, Angel needs her, God, there'll be no stoppin' 'em now, it'll actually probably get quite disgustin' . . ." Giles laughed. "Spike. Shut up, kiss me one more time," Spike did. "Keep your arms around me," Spike did. "And watch," he said, nodding his head, and Spike turned to look as Buffy elbowed her way through the crowd of Slayers to stand in front of Angel, staring down at him with wide eyes. "Is it true?" she whispered. "Yeah," he said, looking up at her, still not really believing. "I don't know how, I signed it away . . ." "WHAT?" Wesley bellowed but Gunn waved him off, rolling his eyes. "Angel. One thing I've learned this past year? Contracts are meant to be broken," Gunn said, grinning. "God," Angel said, eyes wide. "It's for real?" "It's for real, man," Gunn said, clapping him on the back and making Angel wince. Angel turned back to Buffy, who was crying now, and started to struggle to his feet but she tackled him, arms around his neck, kissing him. "God, I love you, Angel," she said, crying and laughing. "Love you, love you, love you, always have and always will." He smiled. "I love you, too, Buffy," he whispered. "But, uh, ouch." "Oh, sorry! Sorry!" she said, sliding off him and helping him to his feet, and Giles looked around, the wide smiles on the faces of everyone on Angel's team, Willow grinning and crying at the same time and giving high fives to a laughing Faith, and he found himself crying as well and he wiped at his eyes, then noticed that Spike was doing the same. "Why, Spike," he said. "Are you crying?" "NO I BLOODY WELL AM NOT!" "It's quite understandable, it *is* very romantic . . ." "SHUT UP! I AM *NOT* CRYING!" "We all weep in situations like this . . ." "STOP IT, YOU BASTARD!" Spike bellowed, shoving at him, and Giles shoved back, laughing, and then both sets of eyes widened in surprise at the ease with which Giles pushed him away. Giles grinned. "Oh, yes, I think I'm really going to enjoy this new set of circumstances . . ." "Ponce," Spike grumbled, burying his face in Giles' chest. "Giles!" He looked up to see Buffy running toward him. "Look out!" The last thing he remembered was a searing pain slicing through his gut. *** "Well, Slayer?" Spike whispered, sitting at Giles' bedside. "It *is* serious, Spike," she said, tears in her eyes. "He's in critical condition. I'm so sorry, Spike, I should have been watching, I thought we'd gotten them all . . ." "Not your fault, Slayer," Spike said, turning his gaze back to Giles. "If I hadn't been *human* I'd have seen it comin', stopped it . . ." "Guys, don't," Angel said quietly. "It's nobody's fault. All we can do now is wait." And so they did, the three of them, everyone else in and out for short visits, for the next two weeks. *** "Look who's awake finally!" Giles struggled to focus. "Buffy?" he said, voice hoarse. "Yep," she said, grabbing his hand. "How you feel?" "Like . . . like I've been run through with a sword," he whispered. "Well, that's good then, I guess, 'cause that's what happened. Giles, I'm so sorry, I tried to get there in time . . ." "No," he said, squeezing her hand weakly. "Not your fault." She started fussing with the bedclothes. "Do you need anything? Water, balloons, stuffed animals?" He smiled slightly. "No, I don't think so. Where is Spike?" "Oh, he's around," she said. "The doctors are saying you'll be fine, but you should really get some rest." "Spike . . ." he whispered, already falling back asleep. "He'll be here when you wake up," she said, and something in her voice made him frown as the blackness overtook him. *** "There's something you're not telling me," Giles said, finally sitting up in bed and staring accusingly in turn at Angel and Buffy. They looked at one another and Angel nodded, and Buffy sighed, running her hands over her hair, fidgeting, and looked at Giles. "He took off, Giles," she said. "Took *off*? Took off where?" "We don't know. Giles, I'm so sorry, I don't understand it either, he was here day and night, right by your side, holding your hand, and then when the doctors gave you the all-clear he just disappeared. We have no idea where he went or when he's coming back." "You mean, *if* he's coming back, don't you," he said, the realization of it settling in his chest like a weight, hurting more than the wound to his abdomen. "Yeah," she said, grabbing his hand. "Like I said, I don't get it, we couldn't get him to leave or rest or eat for two weeks and then he was just gone, took Angel's wallet and car and left." "I don't understand . . ." Giles whispered. "I think I do, Giles," Angel said quietly, and Giles stared at him. "He's scared. We were so strong for so long and then suddenly we're human and much more vulnerable, and I think it scared the shit out of him to see you like this, in fact, I *know* it did, he wouldn't eat or sleep, he'd just sit there and stare at you." "Well, if he was so bloody *concerned*," Giles spat. "Then why in the hell did he leave?" "Mortality," Angel said. "He almost lost you. I think that he believes that he was leaving you before you left him, left him by dying." "I'm not dying!" "But you were. And you will, someday. Time lasts forever when you're immortal, but then humanity hits you and it suddenly feels like there will never be enough time, never." Angel sighed and grabbed Buffy's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I think he just couldn't handle the fact that one day, you'll die, and no matter what he says or does now he's powerless against it, and he thinks he took the easy way out, by not being there when it finally happens." Giles was quiet for a long time, staring into space. "When can I leave?" he asked finally, his voice brittle. "The doctors say you can fly in about two weeks." "Fine, make the preparations, please, Buffy. And if the two of you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a bit." Buffy and Angel looked at one another, then at Giles, and then they left in silence, and Giles lay back against the pillow, put one hand to the now-dead mark on his neck, and refused to weep, refused, refused, refused. *** Three months later and it was summer in England, an unusually warm and sunny day, a Sunday, and Giles was tending to the horses, mucking out stalls and doling out feed, when he heard a voice behind him, tentative and trembling. "Watcher?" Giles stiffened, his blood freezing, and then slowly turned to look. He was too thin and his skin was dark and his hair was a mess, grown out and curly, the blonde tipping the ends, and he was wearing filthy blue jeans and a stained white t-shirt, and the look on his face was one almost of terror, and Giles thought he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, so he walked up to him and punched him as hard as he could in the face and stalked off. "OW! Bloody hell!" Spike muttered, sprawled in the dirt of the paddock, then he leapt to his feet and started chasing after Giles who was stomping off through fields of green in the direction of a wooded area north of the house. "Watcher! Wait, please!" "Get the fuck out of here, Spike!" "Watcher, please, listen to me, I'm sorry!" Spike yelled, grabbing Giles by the elbow. Giles shook him off with ease and kept walking. "GODDAMMIT, WATCHER!" Spike bellowed, and ran as hard as he could, tackling Giles low and from behind, sending him face first into the grass. "Get off me, you bastard!" Giles shouted as they struggled. "Get off me and get the fuck out of here, I want absolutely nothing to do with you anymore, you filthy fucking coward, GET OUT!" "NO! No, listen to me, goddammit, *please*, Watcher!" Spike wheezed, grunting when Giles flipped him onto his back and pinned him to the ground. He shoved his face into Spike's. "Listen to what, Spike? Your pitiful little excuses for leaving like you did? About how much it *hurts* to be human? How now you're frightened of death? Well, join the goddamned club! Poor, poor Spike, let's all feel sorry for him, shall we, gets his reward for being a hero and then fucking runs? Is *that* what you want me to listen to?" Giles sneered. Spike stared up at him, eyes wide and tired and full of tears. "No," he whispered. "Just wanted . . ." "Wanted WHAT, Spike? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING *WANT*?" "To . . . tell you I love you," Spike whispered, tears streaming now. "Missed you. Almost died without you, need you back, please . . ." Giles reared back, letting go of Spike's arms. "What in the bloody hell am I supposed to say to that, Spike? Is that supposed to fucking *fix* it?" "God, Watcher, I don't *know*! I don't fucking know, *does* it?" Spike said, scrubbing at his eyes, and Giles stared at him, watched him, saw again the softness in his eyes and remembered the softness of his mouth and the softness inside him. He sighed and his eyes closed. "Watcher?" Spike said hesitantly, gently touching Giles' arm. "Please?" he whispered, desperate, so desperate, and the walls Giles had been building for the past three months crumbled. "You stupid, beautiful boy," he whispered and then leaned down to kiss him, and Spike flung his arms around Giles' neck and kissed him back hungrily, still crying, then they were both struggling with their clothes and Giles was between Spike's thighs, and Spike groaned and wrapped both hands around their cocks. "So long, Watcher, *God*, please, love you, please, please . . ." he whispered. "Love you, God, so different, Spike, *fuck*," Giles muttered, thrusting frantically, the new heat of Spike's body making his head spin, and Spike bucked up against him, almost howling with need, and they writhed against one another, fevered and cursing and calling names of love, Spike shouting when he came, hot and slick against Giles' cock, and then Giles fell over the edge as well. *** "You look awful and you smell even worse," Giles said, clothed again and looking at Spike closely. "I know," Spike muttered, staring at the sky and still wiping at his eyes. "Spike, come back to the house. Get cleaned up, something to eat." "Can I . . . can I stay? I really am sorry, I was just so . . ." "I know," Giles said softly, having seen the terror in Spike's eyes. "Of course you can stay." "I mean . . . forever, Watcher. I need forever." "I can't give you forever, Spike. But I'll give you every thing and every day I have left on this earth." Again the tears started and Giles held him as he wept. *** Giles lounged in the tub and watched as Spike fussed with his hair, cursing. "You could use the mirror, you know," Giles said. Spike's eyes widened. "Fuckin' hell, I keep forgettin'," he muttered, moving to stand in front of the mirror. "Don't know why, me bein' as pretty as I am." Giles rolled his eyes. "What are you going to do with it? Your hair?" Spike sighed and stared at himself. "Dunno. Let it go dark, I think." "Keep it curly." Spike arched an eyebrow. "Like it like that, then?" "Yes," Giles said, hint of a leer on his face. Spike scowled. "Curly it is then, I suppose," he said, sighing. *** Giles watched and listened as Spike strained to see and identify the Slayers currently on the training field, and he put one hand over his mouth and turned Spike to face him. "Spike, I'm afraid I have some bad news," he said. Spike frowned. "What?" "You need glasses." "WHAT?" *** "Oh, for God's sake!" Giles shouted and started yanking off his tie, struggling out of his suit and into jeans and a t-shirt. "Where the hell are you goin', we ain't done here!" "I'm going to tend the horses, I feel the need to do something a bit more masculine than continue to argue with you for another two hours about the color of the goddamned pillow shams, we sound like a couple of old queens!" Giles yelled and stomped off. "Speak for yourself!" Spike yelled after him. "I'm a *young* queen and it's not my fault YOU HAVE BLOODY AWFUL TASTE!" *** It was winter, and there was a fire blazing in the fireplace in the living area of Giles' bedroom, and he was sprawled along the just long enough sofa that it had taken him weeks to find, Spike laying atop him, making it a bit difficult to breathe but Giles didn't particularly care, it had become a weekly ritual since the weather had worsened. Giles was holding up a book with one hand and had the other wrapped lightly around Spike's neck, while Spike rested his head on Giles' chest, his eyes, now with glasses, glued to the book he had spread open on the floor. Giles watched him out of the corner of his eye. He was still loud, still infuriating, but there were more and more moments like this, of quiet, conversation about literature and music and politics and philosophy, and Giles felt as if he were getting to know a new person, the person he'd only glimpsed before. Spike was, however, still quite beautiful, as well. Giles suddenly flung his book over the back of the sofa and Spike's head jerked up. Giles looked at him pointedly "Bout time, Watcher," Spike whispered, grinning, and squirmed against Giles while kissing him teasingly. *** Springtime, and Spike sat on the window seat in Giles' office, head pressed to glass, taking in the rare sunny day, green all over, and he sighed heavily. "Something wrong?" Giles asked. "It's just . . . all this color, the green and the gold . . ." He turned suddenly to face Giles. "Do you think there's anyway we could bring her here? I hate the thought of her bein' buried underneath where all that dark came from. Bring her, and Joyce, too, do you think Buffy and Dawn would like that?" *** As it turned out, several families who had relatives buried in Sunnydale had demanded excavation of its many cemeteries, and Buffy and Dawn added their names to the waiting list, as did Willow, and two months later they were able to bring both Joyce and Tara home. A memorial service and reunion was scheduled, all those who had known Joyce or Tara pulled in for the service and the celebration of the lives of two women who had done so much, so quietly, to make all of this happen. *** "Giles?" "Angel! Come in. Where's Buffy?" "With Willow." "Of course she is. How've you been?" "Fine. Great, really," Angel said, smiling, and moving to stand in front of Giles where he leaned against the front of his desk. "Enjoying your reward then?" "Yeah. It's . . . weird, after all this time, to feel like this, but good." "Well, I'd imagine it would take a bit of getting used to. Spike has his bad moments Ð too much maintenance, he says," Giles said, grinning. "He's right," Angel said, and then leaned in closer. "Giles, how in the hell did everyone start talking about . . . you and me?" Giles sighed. "Angel, as to how that rumor got started, you *really* do not want to know." Angel sighed as well. "I was thinking, maybe, something like the mindwipe I used after Connor . . ." "Don't you dare!" "Don't I?" "Angel, the whole lot of them have been going on about it for months now, but none of them really believe it. Let them have their fun. Besides, it's none of their concern, anyway, and I rather like keeping them on their toes." Angel frowned. "But what if they get pissed?" "Pissed at *what*? A rumor? Just let it lie." "Right," Angel said, sighing and poked Giles hard in the chest. "Take care of him." Giles eyes narrowed and he poked Angel back even harder. "You take care of *her*. She means more to me than anything in this world, and when I threaten death as far as she's concerned, I'm bloody well serious." "OW! You're really gettin' off on pushing the ex-vampires around, aren't you?" "Yes, I am," Giles said, smirking, and Angel rolled his eyes and started to leave. "Angel," Giles called. Angel turned. "I'm proud of you. Really." Angel grinned. "Thanks, sexy," he said, before darting away. Giles sighed and grumbled and rolled his eyes and fidgeted with his tie until Spike leapt into the room, pointing at him accusingly. "I KNEW IT!" he bellowed. "Knew what, you prat?" "That you fucked Angel! You gonna deny it? I just *heard* you! He called you sexy!" "I *am* sexy! Spike, review that conversation in your head very carefully. There was absolutely no actual mention made of me having sex with Angel," Giles said, irritated. "Doesn't mean it didn't actually happen," Spike said, pouting. Giles walked up to him and kissed him. "No. It doesn't." "You just admitted it!" "How?" "You said . . . I know . . . I *heard* . . . have you put some sort of spell on me?" Spike muttered, glaring through narrowed eyes. Giles grinned. "Yes," he whispered, and pulled Spike close to kiss him deeply. "Now come on. There are two very special women waiting for us." *** There were a lot of tears, but also a lot of laughter, and after the service, as everyone else filed into the house for drinks and catching up, Buffy walked up to Giles and Spike, Angel trailing behind her, and did her best to hug them both at the same time. "That was hard," she whispered. "But good. Good to have them close to us. I love you pervs." She kissed each one of them in turn. Spike smiled and hauled her into his arms. "Love you, too, Slayer. And thank you. If it weren't for you . . ." "Stop!" she said, holding up one hand. "You're gonna make me cry. No more crying for now, all right?" "Right," Spike said softly, smiling, and handed her over to Giles who pulled her high into his arms and then started spinning in circles until she was giggling and dizzy. "God," she said breathlessly, smiling up at him when he finally set her down. "You're really happy, aren't you?" "Yes," he said, and then hugged her again until she squeaked. "Good," she whispered. "I love you, Giles, more than anything." "I love you, too," he whispered and then straightened. "I'm not sure, however, what I think about the type of young man you've started bringing home, Buffy." He glared at Angel over Buffy's shoulder in faux fatherly mistrust. "I mean, really, Buffy, vampires?" Spike snorted and Angel rolled his eyes. "Dad!" she hissed, poking him. "Stop embarrassing me! I'll never be able to bring other boys home now!" "What other boys?" Angel said, glaring. "NO OTHER BOYS, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? NO BOYS!" "Kidding, kidding," Buffy said, leaning up to kiss him before turning back to Giles. "Besides, *you're* one to talk." "Do as I say, not as I do!" Giles said, pointing a finger at her. "Right," she said, smiling. "See you guys inside." She grabbed Angel by the hand and led him toward the house. "Buffy, no boys! I mean it, one boy, ME!" he grumbled as he followed her inside. Spike sighed. "They'll be married before you know it and there'll be snot-nosed brats all over the place, Gramps." Giles sank to the ground beside Tara's grave. "I rather like the sound of that, actually." Spike fell to the ground beside him. "So now what, Watcher?" "Now," Giles said. "We sit here for a bit and enjoy the sun, visit with Tara, then go inside and get stinking drunk and visit with everyone else we love, tell them that we love them and hug them all as much as we can before they go, and then go to bed." Spike fell to his back and sighed in contentment. "Good plan, Watcher." And so that's what they did. *** End